Tense parting

JP with Lucian, Winteroak and Bandorchu

Alexis was well aware that warriors choosing agility over strength sometimes liked to look down on the more ‘brutish’ weapons, taking pride in the elegance and intricacy of their fighting style.
She could understand that, but she also knew that elegance just didn’t always cut it.

In the end, you needed the right tool for any job.

She turned the scimitar around in her hand with a deft twist of her fingers and tossed it back to the woman, just so she had to move away the slightest bit to catch it, and picked up her own sword.

The woman caught the throw weapon deftly and pointed it Alexis grinning wickedly. She said something in her language followed by laughter but kept her blade pointed upwards towards the other woman's face.

Alexis raised an eyebrow and met the threatening gesture with deliberate calm that betrayed nothing of her preparatory tension.

She raised her free hand to casually pull a strand of hair out of her face. And, by pure happenstance of course, bringing it closer to the blade pointed at her. A SINGLE-edged blade.

Tarmen smirked at the token, somewhat pleased at the man’s counter and his partners outrage.
One man down.
He eyed the piece where it lay, acting as if considering the offer before declining the silver.
He then moved to take two more of his opponents pieces before signaling the next move, shifting both to bring blood back to his legs and to keep the growing tension between Alexis and the woman in his peripheral.

The crouched man seemed disappointed that Tarmen had not risen to take the bait. He spat on the sand looking at the man of Kru'll before saying something to his comrade. Who had taken three more pieces from Tarmen. He stood up and walker across to where the Ozainae woman was pointing her sword at Alexis. He barked some command and she stood down walking back to their fire. The man looked at Greyriver from head to toe, taking in her curves and made a sucking sound with his teeth. He said something in Ozainae before laughing and joining his comrade by their fire.

Tarmen put on a good show for someone who had never played this game but lost his markers in the end. His opponent collected his winnings and all the pieces and he to returned to his side of the oasis.

The merchants sighed relief bit no one would be getting much sleep tonight...

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