

More and more people arrive in the city, as the days go by. Those that pass through the old colossal wooden gates, come to stay with distant relatives who still prefer city life gotten nomadic existence in the Desert of Skulls. They flood the few inns that exist in the Holy City and its abandoned streets. Many however pitch their colourful tents in the fields and dunes outside. For those watching, it is clear to be some sort of pilgrimage. Those arriving come in droves waiting for revelation.

Alexis - You do not enter the city immediately and make your way to the obelisk you saw in the distance. You camp a few hundred metres from it. Studying your map you believe it is one of the three points that Tar believed to be constellations. This one is called The Obelisk of Life. Or Fate. You are not sure about the translation but you watch as many come to pray at its massive base and its smooth surface.

Gonyaul - Work becomes more readily available to you with the influx of arrivals, but still you are usual one of the last ones to be picked and paid less. Some of the other stevedores eye you suspiciously, and drive you to the piers at edge of the oasis. Meaning the journey to and from the city is longer for you than any other. But you are content with little. Rumours in the docks speak of dead women scattered across the desert.

Voah - With every passing day you walk closer and closer to the central temple. Your curiosity slowly overcoming your inane loathing for a religion that is as alien to you, as you are to the Ozainae. From the shadows you watch the sorcerer-priests walk among the faithful
Dust and Water. The Twins Gods and their crosses tusks seem to look down on you at every turn. You notice some tensions among the citizens and a group of men and women dressed in dark brown and black robes. Their presence barely tolerated, but fear stays the most flailed of tempers. You decide you want to know why.

Shalia - Tamazzalt invites you for dinner in his private balcony overlooking the city. You are pleasantly surprised that Amastan and Agizul are in attendance. But the mood is sour. There is an underlying tension among the three. Something is wrong. One of your guards mentioned to you early in the day that the servants in the monastery are whispering that only one penitent so far has emerged from the desert and the Pilgrimage of Bones. Something unheard of in the history of The Wandering.

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