Home is where you store your weapons

Memorising the directions given to her, Alexis made her way to the Barracks District, choosing to take her sweet time doing so.

This settling, if not home, would be her dwelling place for the foreseeable future. Might as well start to get lay of the land and a feel for the present situation.

A little detour here and there did wonders to give her a first idea about the resident places of interest.
The nooks and crannies could await exploration a bit longer. For all she knew she could be more outside town than inside.

During her brief exploration she paid attention to the general atmosphere of the place. How was the state of the people? Did they seem generally healthy and well fed or had they already fallen on hard times? Was their disposition calm or aggressive, confident or worried?

How about the buildings? Were they build in a hurry or meant to last? What fortifications were in place if any?

How strong was the military presence in the streets? Were there patrols? How did the population act around officials?

Once her curiosity was sated she finally went to find lodging for the night, meticulously maintaining her equipment before taking care of herself, utilizing the rustic appliances to finally get rid of the dirt and grime of subjectively endless sea travel and shortening her hair to a more manageable length by means of her trusty old dagger.

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