Things you can do without

At first Alexis had been wondering why she as a newcomer would be put in charge of conducting drills, but she soon was reminded that a lot of the soldiers had not exactly been soldiers before coming to Arcadia.
So yeah, her experience definitely came in handy.

That nagging feeling that had been haunting her ever since her mission to the Fang was being constantly fed by the steady increase of soldiers participating in the drills.
They were building up to something, that much was easy to deduce. She wondered how soon the exercises would turn to actual battle.

The messenger found her in the midst of barking orders. Reading the message she schooled her features to not show her ire.

Sir Zane again. Fantastic. Judging by the last time he had called on her this was going to be great. Not.

Stifling a sigh she passed on her duties to her fellow conductor and took her leave.

She returned to the keep and quickly freshened up a bit before seeking out her commander.

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