A friendly visit

JP with Winteroak and Bandorchu

As another day turned into night over the holy city of Gra’akast, Alexis set out to find her way to Izil’s campsite.

If she was unlucky, the young noble might be out enjoying night life again, but he would be just as likely around the city conducting his business over the day.

She herself had been busying herself with preparations for her upcoming departure, gathering supplies and studying her notes and the map.

She hoped Izil would be willing to share some of his expertise, because otherwise she would have to get wildly lucky to actually find those things. Even more lucky than she would have to be with his help, that was.

A few guards barred her way into the camp and she asked to speak with the young noble. The men looked suspiciously at her, but one went to find him when she spoke of trade, while the other kept an watchful eye over her.

Looking around the camp she saw it was made up of the traditional tents she had seen before around the city. Quite unassuming despite their colours with the exteriors purely functional, made out of goat ski and camel hair, with no floors and held up by sturdy poles.

Various rugs and fabrics are draped over the tents to protect them against the heavy winds that roam the Great Desert of Skulls from time to time.

A few minutes later the guard returned and escorted her into a central pavillion where a banner of red and black fluttered in the wind.

Walking in she saw colourful carpets of all shapes and sizes covering the sandy ground with comfortable silky pillows scattered around. The large tent was adorned with equally colourful drapes, a few braziers and other pieces of field furniture.

Izil was sitting in the centre of the tent smoking from one of the large water pipes, called hookah, she had seen around town. The floral smell of herbs and dried fruit filled the space.

He smiled when he saw her and dismissed his guards and servants.
"I was not expecting to see you change your mind so quickly." He grinned. "Come sit. Share a pipe with me."

Alexis smiled beneath her scarf and greeted Izil with the traditional Ozainae gesture, now that she had managed to get used to it.

“The company was so good, I couldn’t quite resist.”
she quipped back and took his invitation to sit with him.

“This is impressive.”
Alexis gestured to the comfortable interior.

“You certainly travel with style.”

"Life on the road is hard so we have to afford ourselves what few luxuries we can." Izil said with a smile.
"You can uncover your face, Alexis. We are alone." He suggested.

Having to cover herself up for so long it almost felt exposing to show her face in company. And that although she knew Izil had a pretty good idea where she hailed from anyway.
But she did overcome that reluctance to do as suggested and pulled down the scarf.

“Thank you.”
she quietly said.

Even with her sparse visits to the city, she could witness the streets fill with warriors. Ostiarium would soon get a taste of its own medicine. And still, this young noble was willing to speak with her, alone no less.

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