The trees

Timestamp: Morning Ostiarium forests

Islana joins her assigned group but no hunters have been sent out today. It seems that in the middle of the deep forest, foragers found human remains in a trench two days ago.

The remains require burial rites however the City Guard have stopped that happening until they can look into it more closely. Custom dictates that a body should not remain unburied for too long after death so that the spirit of the deceased can find their way to the Afterlife and Zim's eternal embrace and not haunt the living.

A group of militia soldiers and a couple of the city guards including Hendrik, surround an older man from a nearby farm. He had been missing for a while it seems. The man is shouting that “The trees told me to do it. The trees!” He does not appear dangerous but is clearly altered. He turns at you when you a approach and whispers, “The trees speak and I listen.”

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