
Sir Eudon Zane stood near the edge of the docks looking out to the darkening sky over the Bay of Pearls. The ships were not far now. A couple more days and they would be making landfall. Carrying another 100 souls and essential supplies to help them survive and thrive for a few more seasons at least.

These would be the last ships arriving this year. The window of time that allowed safe passage through the Sea of Storms, from Helias into Arcadia, was closing. They would be alone again for the next year. Alone in a strange unforgiving new world.

Most of those arriving would be joining the labour or military forces. So far the natives had kept their distance for the most part. Looking on with reserved interest as they had built StoneShade Keep and started to farm the nearby land.

But Sir Eudon Zane knew that would not last long. He could already tell that a clash between the nomadic tribes that followed the great herds in the plains beyond Ostiarium was coming. The last three expeditions they sent to explore the land did not return.

The evening bell tolled behind him from Suncross square, coming from the small shrine to Kupen, god of the Sky and Sun, that had been built on the site of the first landfall, three years ago.

He needed a drink. He had already been assigned to deal with most of the newcomers by the Lord Commander. Sir Eudon Zane made his way towards Lowood and the only decent watering hole in this forsaken township. "The Drunken Hare".

< Prev : OCC - Welcome Next > : Almost there.