No promises

Alexis paused in her inspection to look at Islana with a thoughtful expression.

“The aim of the raid itself is to arrest people, not necessarily to hurt anyone.”

Though she feared it would do just that, even if it was only the relationship between populace and authorities more than it already was. Besides the bodily harm that could result from less then cooperative targets or worse overzealous raid members. Not to speak of the subsequent executions.
Hopefully she was just overthinking again. Would be nice if things went somewhat smoothly, for once.

“And outside of blood-crazed murder cults, most people don’t enjoy to see children hurt, might even go out of their way to protect them. So it shouldn’t be too likely. Not impossible, but not too likely.”

She gave Islana a half smile.

“Suppose we gotta do our part so it doesn’t get to that, yeah?”

< Prev : Don’t Press Your Luck Next > : Be Safe