Surprise gift

After dropping Islana and Gonyaul back to the Great Hall, he collected Wim Riese and escorted him to the Duke's study.

"Ah young master Riese. How do you fare?" He asked pointing at the chair in front of him so that the young noble could sit.
"I hear congratulations are in order. That you are to be married soon? Have you set a date?" The Duke asked making polite talk.

Wim bowed politely nd replied, "I am doing well my Grace and my Lord."
Sitting down in the chair he replied, "The date is set. During the Fall festival. Two weeks after the Brewery opens. She made the Brewmeister and her father promise that I will be free from constraints for the month to follow."

The Duke nodded pleasantly. "Well we wish you happiness and prosperity in your union with House Sadir." He said with a smile. "We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the part you played in exposing and destroyed this awful Creed."

He looked at Wim and at Sir Zane. " I hear you came to Arcadia wanting to make a name for yourself away from you father's shadow. Something to be applauded. To be your own man..."

"Yes, my Lord. That is why I am here," he said with a pleasant smile.
"I have been learning a lot about managing and being a good steward of assets," he continued. He tried hard not to react at the mention of his father. But keeping a smile.

"Good. We don't only need brave souls to defend our walls against the savages that surround us and of those on our midst but also people with entrepreneurial spirit like you and Master Sadir." The Duke said truthfully.

"And with that in mind, here is a small token of our appreciation" the Duke said passing a small folded letter to Wim bearing his crest in wax. "This letter excuses Skunkwork Ale Brewery from paying taxes until next spring."

Wim took the note and smiled.
“That is very generous, “ Wim said knowing this would give them an advantage when the operation came on line.
Wim wanted to talk to him about building a ship yard to build small flat bottomed boats that could be used to transport goods and explore the coast. Elizabeth had told him to be polite and grateful, not pushy or rude. So he held his tongue.
Wim understood he was a dreamer and was learning not every dream needed to happen...

"Think nothing of it." The Duke told him with a polite smile and asked Sir Zane to escort Wim back to the Great Hall.

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