The Flock

Bootleggers' Pier

Sir Zane looked at the man standing in his tent and despaired. The pale face, red eyes and his tattooed lips, made him instantly recognisable. It took all his power not to draw his sword and cleave the man down where he stood. It made him appreciate how lucky they had been with Arbiter Voah.

She had delayed the Duke plans with her willingness to have an open mind about the natives and their culture, just like him and the Friar had hoped. But despite their efforts they had only managed to delay war for one year. And though they had knew the coming war which was inevitable at least they hoped it would not turn into a bloodletting Crusade. Another war of genocide.

The man in his tent was about to change that. Margrave Otho, 'Purger' of the Inquisition, Son of Death, War and of Storms, the Flock of Silence master. The Ember Shade sadist. Here in Arcadia. To do the bidding of the Pillars, to bring the wrath of the gods to a whole continent of heathens and magik weavers.

The two men locked eyes. Sir Zane rose from his field chair.
"Purger! Welcome to Arcadia..." he said out of courtesy. His men had informed him that the Flock of Silence, around 40 strong, had set their tents at the edge of the camp and scouts had been dispatched to the surrounding areas.
The man's inquisitive eyes were draw to the top left of the knight's armour, just above his chest. A tiny carving adorned the chest plate, which to most people looked simply as a bent or scuffle in the metal.
"Ah, a follower of Ereuhin. I have not seen such a symbol in a very long time." Margrave said looking at the shape of the crescent moon.

Both man sat. Sir Zane's page offered the Purger some wine but he refused and asked for water instead.
"There is great sin in such vices." he told the Knight. "The defilement of the human natural state is not tolerated by the Pillars."
Sir Zane stopped himself from rolling his eyes. "I was surprised that you decided to disembark here and not at Ostiarium. The Duke was expecting you."
"My men need me." he answered. " And I wanted my first glimpse of this land to be of how it truly is, beyond the boundaries of your city." he paused as if thinking back on that first moment.
"Now, tell me, why is Arbiter Voah Sahnsuur not among your troops ready to take the war to these savages?"

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