A Friendly Chat

JP with Lucian and Omni

Voah watched the clansmen leave, more amused than offended by their rude gestures.

“Well… real friendly around here, aren’t they?” she said sarcastically. “I had hoped to see you again sooner so that I could thank you for helping me get off of that dreaded island safely. As for the Pillars, I bring the work of the Inquisition with me. Maybe you could help me. I’m beginning to think coming here was a mistake. I’m sure by now you are well aware of the creed of Slivikhi. Some of them have escaped into the wilds and my search has led me here...”

She was casually looking around for a second and when she returned her gaze to the Kru’ll man’s physique, subconsciously sizing him up, she noticed the shrunken head of the red cap.

“...and it may even take me to the mount-- dear Gods! What is that dreadful thing on your waist?” Not that she had never seen a shrunken head before, she had known an Arbiter from Kru’ll who wore at least three, she just viewed it as a ghastly practice.

Tarmen was certainly grateful the Arbiter’s attention was quickly stolen by the imp, rather uncomfortable talking about the Creed with a member of the Inquisition.

“This? Rather surprised you don’t recognize the little shit, it’s the imp you slew.”
Taking it off of his hip, he held it up at a respectable distance and grimly chuckled.
“Usually keep a trophy from places or jobs that almost kill me, so figured what better than him?”

Placing it back, he did his best to shrug off her suspicions. “As to that cult I heard about, not sure you’ll find it here. The natives are… well, you met the clansmen. For the men, I will stand by those who came with me, including Riese.”

She chewed her inner lip, thinking. “That’s not altogether encouraging…” she sighed. “What about any of these names? Ring any bells?“

Voah opened her journal, pulled out a strip of parchment and unfolded it. Showing it to Tarmen, he could see a short list of names, all men, including Stran.

“There is another who is not on this list. An older woman… dockworker, fishmonger... Not likely, I imagine. I seem to be the only woman in Aquilo.”

As he read the note, Voah put her hand on Tarmen’s shoulder, just as a friendly gesture. She needed friends and was glad to see someone with whom she had survived an adventure. Her other hand rested on the pommel of her sword.

He had to admit, the Arbiter had done good work in finding the Creed. Noting Stran’s name, he saw that his body hadn’t been found. Good to know. He looked over what remaining members they had listed, though none had joined him out here. As for the old woman, he felt no concern for her. She had made it clear they would never meet again. Feeling the Arbiter’s hand on his shoulder, he had to remind himself she wasn’t a foe, though he tensed all the same. It wasn’t helped by where he saw the other hand when he handed the journal back.

“Can’t say any of them do, unless there are some false names. As for your place here, I am afraid you are correct.”

He glanced at his shoulder, still unsure how to feel about it, before looking back.
“Might ask Riese if he recognizes anyone here, we chatted on the way here about your lot's little massacre. Rather put off I wasn’t invited to be honest.” Tarmen said.

Voah noticed something then that she was not expecting. Something wasn’t quite right. There was a very, very subtle shift in Tarmen’s body language when she showed him the list and if she hadn’t been dealing with liars her whole life she would have missed it. Tarmen was hiding something and the tension in his shoulders only made it more clear.

She listened as he brought up Lord Riese. Tarmen was good at this. Voah had to admit to herself, she was disappointed. She would have to keep her eye out on him.

"Disappointing..." she was referring to both Tarmen's answers and her search thus far.

"I have already spoken to Wim Riese. He seemed quite shocked. Understandably, as they tried to kill him. Should you see or 'remember' anything... you will know where to find me." she held her eye on him for a moment longer before turning and walking back toward The Hole.

As she walked she spoke louder over her shoulder so he could hear her, "And do me a favour, won't you? Get rid of that hideous head."

He couldn’t help chuckling at her discomfort, same as everyone else’s. Looking to the head, he shook his head.

“Like hell I would do that. You’re my problem, no one else’s.”
Glancing over its features, his thoughts turned to the Arbiter’s casual interrogation.
“She will be a problem. The fanatic has found a purpose and it seems I have yet to shake her.”

Groaning from pain, growing frustration, and the effort of standing, Tarmen made sure Voah was out of sight before making his way back to the town.

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