A New Hope

Sam observed as he rode with Rainey by his side. He observed the beauty of the land. The King family had taken good care of what was once his people’s territory. Sam would like to think his grandfather would be honored at the King family’s stewardship of the land.

Sam observed how Rainey not only was a bronc rider, but she also seemed to hold a symbiotic relationship with her horse. The two seemed to be one. Sam was impressed with Rainey’s grace and beauty, something most bronco riders never achieved.

As she glanced toward him, Sam averted his eyes back toward the land. That’s when he noticed a bump that seemed to be moving toward the horizon. Obviously, this was not a rock. It seemed to be a downed animal. A distressed call from the animal suddenly assaulted his ears.

“Are you missing a cow, Miss King?” the Comanche inquired.

< Prev : occ: hold up for characters Next > : Chapter 2 Pt 5