An unexpected arrival Part 2

All at once, the quiet tranquility of space was tore open like a gaping, bleeding asshole. Chunks of flesh and rotting entrails spewed out into normal space. Terrifying waves of psychic energy and gravitational distortions reverberated out in all directions. Any sane creature looking upon the jagged rift in space and time would have been horrified to the point of INsanity at what they saw. Nothing short of Hell itself lay beyond.

And through that rift, came the Event Horizon. With her forward decks missing and ion engines shot, the vessel could only use her gravity drive to crudely plow through space. But plow she did! And once she was clear, the universe beyond let out one final screech before the gateway was immediately forced closed once more. However like any wound, there would be scar tissue left behind. The crew of any vessel that traveled through that sector would be subject to an intense feeling of unease and be forced to navigate gravitational anomalies for years to come.

"Where are we?" Captain Miller demanded of the ship.

A hanging monitor flickered and flashed, fresh blood running down the edges of its black screen. Sensor data began to scrawle across it in chunky red lettering, comparing the position of the stars to known charts. More calculations followed, far more than he'd expected. Then the screen went blank before new data populated it. Miller's lips curled into a snarl.

"Don't lie to me!" he boomed, not believing what his tired eyes were telling him.

He slammed his fist into a nearby bulkhead, leaving a sizeable dent behind.

"She's not lying to you, Captain," Weir's disembodied voice whispered into his ear.

Captain Miller's eyes went wide, "Then we have returned to normal space... just... a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."

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