Locke Down

“Why is it that every time you come in here you bring me bad news?” Locke in his office was writing out some notes and didn’t look up as protocol droid C42 entered the room. His joints made any kind of stealth impossible, and Locke had decided long ago that was on purpose. People didn’t always like droids and the idea of one going around quietly was unnerving as if they were spying on them. That’s how Locke knew C42 was present, and while the droid had not spoken or could ever change facial expression, he did seem to react to the verbal barb.

“Sir, I have made progress on the credentialing issue.”

“That’s not as good as you telling me you’ve solved the issue.” Locke still did not look up. He knew he pushed his servants, be they droid or flesh, very hard, and he did not intend to stop today. The bureaucratic process of getting a security clearance was understandably strict. Still it was just paperwork Locke thought, and computers should be able to handle it efficiently.

“The final requirement is your physical, done by an approved member of the Coruscant Medical Bureau. I have made an appointment and sent the information to your datapad.”

Locke stopped his writing and pulled up the schedule on his tablet. “So, you may have a sense of humor after all.” Locke actually looked at C42. “You made me an appointment with a droid.”

RED-1 had got the assignment, one that he heard may not be pleasant. RED had heard that Senator Locke Fluzhi did not like droids much. RED thought about that as it walked to the door of the Senator. but who likes droids nowadays or treats droids with respect? considered RED-1. Walking the halls It greeted everyone that passed, which some found annoying.

Arriving at Senator Fluzhi’s door RED touched the panel a sound could be heard. RED could detect one hominoid and a droid in the room. RED-1 sometimes wishes it was not so advanced he almost did have feelings RED was feeling nervous.

RED waited for the Senator to let him in a droid answered the door C42. It motioned for RED to walk in. Walking by C42 RED was much bigger than that droid and powerfully built. RED walked up to the desk and stopped 4 feet away. "Senator Locke Fluzhi, Sir, I am RED-1 I am here to give you a medical and Biometrics scan to complete your medical and security access." the Droids voice was clear and hominoid almost like a real person.

‘That was quick.’ Locke thought to himself, realizing how efficient his own droid was, that was surprising but in a good way. “Okay, Droid, what do you need? Blood? sweat, tears, spit?” He hoped he wouldn’t have to provide a more invasive sample.

RED-1 paused before responding. "Just a few Liters of blood" a hint of sarcasm could be heard in its voice. Though you could not see one you would swear it was smiling. RED-1 took a few steps back.

“Is that a JOKE?” Locke didn’t expect humor from a droid, but they were all turning out to be full of surprises today. “Either way, you can only have half a liter today. Consider it a down payment.” Locke watched closely as the droid worked. It moved with practiced assurance, so the expertise was reassuring. “Tell me, did you ever provide such services to my predecessor from Cantonica?”

"Yes sir, It was me working on my sense of humor. The last Senator said it would make people relax," replied RED-1. The Droid walked over next to the desk "No blood needed today Senator. But if you would stand arms out so I can get a good scan of you Senator." requested RED. A small light turned on on the top center of RED's Head "Just look at the light Senator this could take just a few minutes, Sir." informed RED-1.

"That's a good goal, trying to get people to relax around you, won't be easy though, you look like you could snap me in half easily." Locke complied with the direction to look at the light. "Of course, it's been my experience, meat or machine, most doctors and the like make people uneasy anyway..." Locke trailed off not really wanting to focus on his mortality. If someone was going to have bad news it was a doctor, and of course one day everyone gets the worst news, that isn't news. It's just reality. People end. "So speaking of previous Senators, you didn't answer my question, did you do this for them also?"

"Yes Senator, This is one of my functions here. You are in remarkably good health. Senator" RED commented as he moved his head up and down expecting the Senator. "Now Senator hands out palms up Please," asked RED-1.

Again Locke complied. He had always made a point to prioritize his health, as he had seen too many of his people get fat and sick and die early. The rich lifestyle often meant rich foods and lots of idle time. Locke found it was much better to spend the time necessary to keep fit and that made the pleasures of the flesh that much better. "Tell me what you can about them."

RED placed his hand on the Senator's REDs being bigger. suddenly there was a quick prick on a finger. "blood sample was received and hand scans, now that did not hurt much." RED backed up "To answer your question. Is all in the files that you Have and in the next few minutes can access." replied RED walking to a port on the wall. A door on RED's chest opened and a rod came out and plugged into the port. "now if there is more information you want I can look into it. But I am not much of a spy droid, Senator" RED explained to the Senator.

"I will take anything you can provide." Locke sucked on his finger instinctively. "Whomever it was did a very thorough job of purging the data files. I don't even know their name." Locke saw that the bleed had stopped. "Anything else?"

RED's head turned to Senator Fluzhi "The basic stuff I have and can have it downloaded to your files and I will put additional security on your files and access. that will keep that from happing again. As far as intelligence you can get a briefing from security." Informed RED it turned its head to look at the wall. "Sir, 1 minute until complete." RED giving a countdown. "Sir my predecessors always said that getting information on others takes time and deals with others and Senator," advised RED-1.

"Thank you." Locke appreciated the help greatly. "And is there anything else medically you need from me?"

"No Senator Fluzhi, but if you need anything just call me. I am assigned to you Senator Fluzhi." I will be next door in the ah.... droid room If you need anything" RED unplugged from the port and walked over to the desk the droid put a device down if you can't seem to get to me you can call me on this communicator." Instructed RED-1.

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