Business. As Usual.


The rage kept the pain at bay. Locke’s assailant landed a few body blows, but he was tensed and furious and unleashed his own barrage of hits. Tenni, the Bodyguard captain and Locke’s personal trainer came in and broke up the sparring match.

“Woah, woah, this is practice.”

“You said the enemy doesn’t relent.”

“Hendrix isn’t your enemy, not really.” Turning to the other man, Tenni nodded upward and told his subordinate to take a break. The look in his eyes showed he understood. On any given day Tenni’s men could easily dispatch someone of Locke’s meager ability. However, they also had to tone down their efforts, so as to not kill their charge, and allow Locke to develop his own skill. “Look, you go after any normal person like that and you’ll beat them to a bloody pulp, you try that on any fighter worth his salt and he’ll evade until you’re too tired to put up a defense. It’s just not viable. You’re fighting emotionally, too emotionally.”

“Maybe I am EMOTIONAL.” Locke pushed Tenni away, hard.

“And trying to turn my man into a smear is gonna fix that?”

Locke sighed heavily. He knew Tenni was right, but the emotion would not leave his body for a while yet. Trying to make light of the situation, Locke smiled a little, “I did have him though, right?”

“You defied expectations, but he would recalibrate, you would…”

“Lose?” The frustration returned to his voice.

“Learn… a new lesson, but right now I think you need a different way to vent. I know there are limits to our relationship, and you know anything you say to me I will take to my grave instead of repeat, but it’s not me you need to speak to is it?” Tenni looked at Locke dead in the eyes, and Locke looked back perhaps seeing Tenni now more than he had ever before.

“I…can’t…” Locke tossed down the battle gloves and retreated to the shower.

] [

“And finally, the Quarren have agreed to your terms. The arrangements are in place, the profits should kick in, oh, I would say in about ten to twelve.” Kube was proud of this last deal, as these types were particularly hard to engage dependably. He took a sip from the hourglass glass. The bar’s branding was on everything in here, and sometimes Kube wondered if he would be wearing the logo sooner or later.


“And the rancor wedding was a smash hit, I think the Mythosaur minister was a bit long-winded, but Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes did their best to melt faces before they were all eaten.”


“Sir, I’m not entirely convinced you’re listening to me.” Kube waited to see if silence would refocus his Boss.

“Profits are up 8 percent, ten of the thirteen new endeavors are working, we have new political allies from all sides, we’ve stepped up donations to the republic, the Alsakan who was stealing from us has been..dealt with... and you have a sick fantasy life.”

“Okay, okay.” Kube held his hands up in surrender posture, “You were listening.”

“Here’s our next phase of business.” Locke handed over a trio of datapads.

“You’ve been my only client for some time, this…is more than I can do, at least on these timelines.” Kube skimmed over the aggressive strategy. “You know this will rub some people the wrong way.”

“I’m counting on it, and I’m counting on you. I’ll pay your triple.” Locke offered, “Out of that hire one or two more to help us, people WORTH hiring.”

“We already use so many, pretty soon you’ll have wiped out all unemployment on Coruscant.” Kube joked. “You’ll be a man of the people.”

“The people should have no idea who they’re working for.”

“They don’t, they don’t.” Kube wondered what was up with Locke today. He seemed especially edgy. He hadn’t touched his drink, or had the first girl sit by him for company. “Is there something else on your mind?”

Locke opened his mouth to speak, then closed it. Finally, he stood, “Just get it done.”

] | [

“Why aren’t they eating?” Locke watched through a one-way mirror in his dining room. It was unnerving to him that each guest looked the same, almost exactly. Of course, there were differences, mostly hair-styles, but they were clones after all, ten to be exact. All veterans experienced copies of some guy from somewhere.

“I do not know.” C42 always sounded apologetic, and this was no exception. It turned but found that Locke had already left.

Now inside the dining hall, Locke smiled his most diplomatic and charming smile, “Welcome all, please go ahead and eat, I am very excited to have you here.” Locke’s seat was in the center of the long table, a small tactic to appear to be one of the men. They still refused to eat.

Locke loaded up his plate with the fine delicacies and took several bites, “See, not poisoned.” He laughed. No one else did.

“If I may Senator, it’s not that.” The soldier had a solemn look, they all did. “This food is too…rich for us, I’m afraid our bodies won't remain in peak condition…”

“Say no more.” Locke understood. “Tell me what you want, I have an excellent kitchen staff.”

“We have all the ration bars we need sir. Perhaps if you could tell us why we’re here, we can resolve that issue for you, and then…”

“Be on your way?” Locke actually laughed. “I’m sorry, it’s just that so many people would love to be invited to a State dinner and you guys can’t wait to get away. I’ve got one more idea, how would you gents like to try some Cantonica spirits?” THAT garnered a reaction, and more than a few smiles.

“Well, it we wouldn’t want to appear rude and refuse all your hospitality.”

| \ /

Locke sat alone in the Senate chamber, in his official repulsor pod. The official session had ended hours ago, all the politicians and aides had cleared out. Once again he had said nothing, done nothing, voting only as ordered. He simply sat with his fingers steepled, his mind racing with all the data his endeavors were bringing in.

“I think you are finally seeing this place for what it truly is, Senator.”

Locke had been so lost in thought that he hadn’t heard anyone approach. To be sure, the voice belonged to the last person he would have expected to join him. It was Archduchess Lori Halcyon. Locke immediately stood, checking to see if his guards were alive.

“I didn’t kill them, sit, sit.” Halcyon took the position opposite Locke.

“It’s theater,” Locke answered the Archduchess’ earlier challenge. “A distraction.”

“Close.” She seemed a little tired, and maybe a little disappointed with his answer. “I’ve been keeping watch on your activities.”

“I figured as much.”

“You’ve been busy.”

“Well, you know, idle hands and all that…”

“Indeed.” Halcyon narrowed her eyes slightly. “The one thing about you Fluzhi that I like is that you’re playing the long game. I really didn’t expect that. It’s finally something in you I see in myself.”

“I’m not sure I know what you’re referring to.” Locke did his best to bluff but knew it was pointless, still, he had to try.

“I don’t have time for lies, I came by for your benefit, not mine.” Lori stood up to leave.

“How can I help you, Archduchess?”

“I have an offer.”

“Better than the last one, I hope.” Locke shifted uncomfortably in his seat as the memory came over him.

“There is a luxury ship almost complete that is designed to take the Cantonica lifestyle to the stars. Only the ultra-wealthy will be invited to enjoy all manner of our hedonistic lifestyle.” Halcyon had worked several favors to get this information. “And your name has come up on a very short list for command.”

“What do I know about commanding a starship?” Locke stood up as well.

“All you need to know. The command is a ceremonial position, you’d have a crew to take care of the actual day-to-day, and you’d be there in a more important role, to meet important people, to make contacts, to move up in the world.”

“And it returns to Cantonica, every so often?”

“It does, but you know you can never set foot on there again. But at least you could see it, and who knows, that is one step closer to your goal. A cunning man like you could make something of this…eventually.”

“It’s a toilet,” Locke said revising his answer about the Senate. “If you just look at it correctly you see all 1024 sections are just spinning around like so much water waiting to be flushed.”

“You do see.” Halcyon actually smiled. “I’ve worked very hard to keep Cantonica out of the war, and more importantly in Palpatine’s good graces. That man has big plans, I can tell, and that means money. We keep that coming in, and he will leave us alone. I have deals within deals going and I cannot let you disrupt any of it. Your organization is getting close, so I bring you this offer. What do you say?”

“I think it a cruel torture to offer a man only the sight of that which he loves, but keep him from it. No, I don’t think so, but I do appreciate you bringing me into your confidence. I will not interfere with your business, although I don’t know what that might be, it would help if you’d let me in on that one.”

“Perhaps one day. Keep at it Fluzhi. I’ll be in touch.”

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