
S2 Ep3 ”Truths”

“Instead of wasting time asking me stupid questions, just listen.” Rena Desyk checked her chrono. “I have a ship to catch, and you’ll understand very soon, that you want me on it.”

Locke considered briefly protesting, but for some reason decided to trust her. He sat back down in his chair and motioned for her to begin speaking.

“Halcyon was stuck in an impossible position, and now you’re in it. Dangerous people relied upon her to do some, well, unethical accounting. With all the money that goes in and out of Catonica she could do it without breaking a sweat, and more importantly, without it being traced. If she refused, another planet could serve a the seat of pleasure and gambling for the Republic and no one would ever hear from Caronica again.”

“But someone asked for a favor too far?” Locke realized the inevitable conclusion.

“Find them, and you’ll find her killer. Now I’m off.”, Rena placed her helmet back on.

“Why?” Locke stood, “What could be more important than finding the Archduchess’ killer?”

“Finding who killed Vero Melne.”

Locke nearly fainted. He couldn’t breathe, and he nearly fell onto his desk from the shock. “Vero?”

“It wasn’t the secret you thought it was, we knew you loved her. We know she’s the reason you were exiled to this planet, but what we don’t know is why she was killed. I’m going to find out.”, Desyk turned to leave.

“When you do, I want THEIR HEART.” Locke punched his desk, finally able to form words again.

“No problem.” Rena nodded and left.

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