Telegrammed Orders

May 7th 1889
Paris, France

The sound of the knocker on the front door being utilized, and Elizabeth standing in the front hall as she undid her third hat, none of them seemed right to venture out in, left the young woman to answer the door herself.

"Yes, who is it?" The gentle but not overly quiet feminine voice called to the mystery on the other side of the door.

"Telegram, Miss." A male voice spoke out, slightly high pitched, likely one of the delivery boys.

Odd it wasn't being delivered by one of those ingenious robotic career pigeons, but no mind, must be important. The Eldren thought to herself.

As she opened the door, her suspicions were correct. A boy, likely, 14 or so was standing there, telegram in hand. All French children were taught some English but he spoke it remarkably well from the little she had heard.

"I was told to hand deliver it." The human boy with dark hair and eyes said.

"Yes," Elizabeth politely replied, "Thank you. Let me get you something for your trouble." She handed him a few gold coins, likely too many for just delivering a telegram.

The boy's eyes lit up and he asked if she had made a mistake but Elizabeth replied in the negative and sent the boy on his way.

The telegram was from London and the young Eldren had a feeling who it was from.

Dear Elizabeth:

I hope this finds you and Mr. Shi well. Your mother and I hope that you are enjoying the Paris Exposition. There has been much talk here of the Eiffel tower. Sounds like a remarkable structure.

Plans can begin now. The acquisition should be at the exposition, and retrieved as soon as possible. The other one is being worked on and will arrive to you shortly. Time is of the essence, so good luck and be safe.

Love always,

Elizabeth put the hat back on the hook. And looked around, glad her parents had thought, years ago, to buy a second home in Paris. There would be enough room for everyone here, hopefully, they could all be convinced to join.

Maybe, her chaperone/teacher would have some idea of how to convince the one she was supposed to get to join them. With that though Elizabeth wandered back toward the living area of the house to find the man.

Next > : The Cursed Doctor