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View character profile for: Sako Asako
Ancient Mist Sako's Time
Posted byPosted: Oct 17, 2023, 4:19pm
Date: May 10, 1889
Time unknown
Sako was asleep it was night as the dark Mist traveled along the alleyway. The sound of a trash lid hitting the ground as a cat hissed and ran as the Mist got closer. The air had a chill to it the moon was only half full and clouds were passing by making it an even darker night.
The sound of ancient whispers was on the breeze as it traveled. Even the rodents started to leave the alleyway, and a powerful presence of something old and frightening was lurking there. The black Mist just hovered there for a moment waiting on the time for fate to call. To set a plan in motion that was as old as the human race.
The Mist floated to a window and swirled around it making no noise as it blacked out the window. The whisper on the Breeze could be heard "This is what I am given? How pitiful humans are like glass if you touch them they might break. Why am I wasting my time with them?"
But the Spirit of the mist was longing for the person it sought after. But fate would not let this ancient one interfere too much without consequences. Even this ancient one must follow the rules all follow to keep balance in the world. The Mist seeped through the window cracks starting to form on the other side.
Sako wanted to wake but she could not. She was locked in a dream. It was not a bad dream but it was scary her body and mind said wake up something is near but she could not. All of Sako's training could not match the presence Sako could feel.
Hands of mist formed as a parchment of paper appeared in them. The hands placed it on the desk. The mist started to take the form of something but still could not be made out what it was. Sako could hear a vice a distant ghost-like voice ancient beyond time. "I give you what you seek Sako Asako. but it comes at a price are you willing to give everything for it? follow the old ways and you will find what you seek." said the voice hanging on the air.
The Mist disappeared left without a trace. Suddenly Sako sat up in bed sweating and breathing heavily Sako was not even sure if that was real or a dream. It was so real in her mind. She reached over and got the glass of water and drank it. There was nothing in the room she could feel it.
Looking over at something that reflected the moonlight a piece of paper on her desk sako knew that was not there before. He got up and walked over to it. she inspected everything around it then picked up an envelope opener. and moved the paper some of it looked safe so Sako picked it up and read it the calligraphy was old-style in Japanese. Sako would have not even understood it if she had not had lessons on the old ways. The fact it was on parchment not paper also bothered Sako.
Reading the information Sako found the person she was looking for and even a way in to find him. Now it was time st set all that up. But what was it that left the information it was something Sako had never dealt with before and knew deep inside not to take lightly. Sako left the parchment on the table and started planning after a few hours the parchment just turned to mist and disappeared.