Bloody Hell!

Cronk complied with Jackal’s wishes. However, Cronk quickly stood up, as he was in a hurry to leave the lab before anymore could be drawn from him. The blood immediately drew from his brain. Cronk felt lightheaded and began to sway back and forth. “Good D…” was all he could get out before falling in a faint and smashing through a wooden table.

Dr. Jackal sighed as he was now holding the tape in his hand and starring at the passed out orc. He sighed as he bent over to tape the bandage on the orc's arm to keep it from getting infected. He then checked on Cronk to make sure he was not injured from his fall. Other than a bruise to the head the big orc seemed fine. It was then that he saw the bottle of liquor still in tact in Cronk's hand. Despite passing out he manage to instinctually save the bottle of booze. Dr. Jackal smirked as he removed the bottle and placed it on a counter to protect it. Then he looked up and saw the railing on the ceiling and followed it to the sliding chain hoist. It was normally a tool found in a warehouse but it was also used in labs to raised heavy equipment and bodies when there was a lack of personnel. So Dr. Jackal sighed as he slide the chain hoist down and lined it up with Cronk and lowered the chain down. Then Dr. Jackal opened up a cabinet to retrieve a harness and put it around Cronk's massive chest before attaching the chain to it. Then he slowly hoisted Cronk up and lowered him to the reinforced examination table, which was strong enough to hold up to three orcs. Then Dr. Jackal proceeded to give Cronk a full physical to make sure he was healthy and uninjured. As he worked he documented his findings for Lady Elizabeth.

In the horizontal position, blood began to flow back to Cronk’s brain. His face began to return from the pale white to the more sand-toned natural color of his skin.

Coming around, Cronk was surprised to be lying upon his back. He must have been more tired than he thought.

Dr. Jackal saw Cronk was awake now and he smirked at the big guy. He then replied, "How's your head? You passed out after standing up and broke the table. You might want to take it easy next time you give a blood sample. Since you're a big guy it takes a while to move the blood around to your head. If you rush it like you did you can get dizzy again." Dr. Jackal was hoping his way of explaining it would not offend the orc.

Cronk closed his eyes as if he were looking inside his head. He took inventory of things. No pain. No oozing blood. He ran his tongue through his mouth. All teeth were accounted for.

“Cronk good,” he managed to say, then remembered the bottle of whiskey. He didn’t feel moisture anywhere, nor did he smell alcohol. “Whiskey?” he asked, hoping for the best.

Dr. Jackal smirked as he replied, "You managed to protect it on your way down. Its on the counter." Dr. Jackal pointed at the bottle then looked at Cronk as he said, "I had to check you over to make sure you were not injured from your fall. So please rest up and get some food before you drink any booze. For that booze I recommend a good smoked meat or meat with a glazed sauce to bring out its proper flavor. Also it wouldn't hurt to eat some veggies as well for the vitamins. The chef here is very good at making things taste good."

As an orc, he didn’t care much for vegetables. Meat and starchy things like potatoes and bread was both filling and fulfilling. Cronk nodded to the Good Doctor, agreeing that food would be good. Food is always good, just as are whiskey, and sweet Camille’s presence. That relationship seemed to be budding.

“Cronk go get food,” he assured Doctor Jackal. “Food good!”

Dr. Jackal nodded at Cronk as he replied, "Food is good and even better when eating with others in a good atmosphere. I didn't realize how important it was till I was on the run for five years. When you loose everything in your life you realize its the little things that seem more important."

Cronk thought of what the doctor said. Nothing seemed to register with him. He simply responded, “Cronk nothing to lose.”

Slowly, as if afraid to move, Cronk stood. He paused when he reached his full height to ensure he was fine. Assessing he was, Cronk nodded.

“Cronk thank,” he said to Jackal. “Good Doctor good!”

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