The Hunter Arrives

Date: May 7th
Location: Senlis, France: Inn on the outskirts of town.

As the carriage trundled along it jostled Sasha around in the cabin, but being use to worse she caught a few moments of sleep. With the knowledge of what she could be facing being tired wasn't optimal.

The carriage eventually pulled up to an Inn, and the man driving wrapped on the outer wall of the cabin. "Ms. Lagrave we have arrived."

With the knock Sasha stirred pulling the mouth covering back into place and putting her hat back on "Merci" Sasha responded before stepping out in to the late evening air Sasha stretched a bit, working out some of the stiffness. Pulling from her coat a well wrapped stack of coins held together by a waxy paper. Using her thumb to free two coins, and handing them to the driver. "Merci" he responded tipping his hat, Sasha returned the gesture and the man spurred his horses to depart.

Sasha used her thumb to mush the tacky paper back over the top coin to keep them from coming lose and placed it back in the pocket she took them from. Sasha stood out of the way of possible traffic on the road but looked around to get a sense of the location. Catching working men giving strange looks as left or entered the pub. Under all the leather gear and in the low light unless you really really looked Sasha could pass for a youngish man. But the looks were likely just the clothes. Everyone here dressed simply and she stuck out like a sore thumb.

Sasha reached into a different inner pocket and pulled out a folded page taken from the documents on The Doctor. A sketch of what he looked like five years ago. Five years was a long time any anyone wanting to disappear five years was even longer. The things one could do to themselves to look like a new person in that time could make finding the prospect difficult.

Standing and watching for around for a short while, checking people who went in and out of the pub. Though eventually she chose to try a local. "Excusez-moi mais pouvez-vous m'indiquer le médecin le plus proche?" Sasha asked an older man as he was headed to enter.

The man narrowed his eyes and looked Sasha up and down. "Pourquoi?" he asked in response.

"Il a aidé mon père l'année dernière et je voulais le remercier." Sasha said trying to sound as kind as she could, to make herself sound as truly thankful as she could.

The man unnarrowed his eyes and pointed off towards an old stone building.

"Merci beaucoup monsieur." Sasha said, giving a small bow and walked off towards the old abbey.

" is something straight out of Frankenstein." Sasha thought as she got closer. When she reached the old abbey she searched for a second way in. Once she did, she climbed through an open window dropping inside quite as a door mouse and saw the much more haggard doctor nodded off in a chair a cup of steaming liquid still near by.

"Bonsoir Docteur." she said, punctuating it with the click of the hammer going back. "The two of us need to have a chat."

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