Arrival in the Unknown Regions

The Purrgils arrived in a trinary star system. The Purrgil Ultra opened their mouths and let the ships they carried out. Once outside of the Purrgil Ultra, the occupants of the T-6 One-Nine-Seven-Four and Altus's ship saw a single ship, the Chimaera an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer except it was heavily modified with parts of the ship replaced with gold replacements and a large chunk mission missing from the port side. "Ahsoka that has to be the Star Destroyer Ezra was on."

The Chimaera turned it's weapons to face the two ships. It did not fire. Ahsoka felt something familiar in the Force. She opened communications with Altus' ship and the Chimaera. "Ahsoka to Star Destroyer."

Ezra responded. "Ahsoka it's good to hear your voice. To bad we have to meet under such unfortunate circumstances. Come on over and bring your friends. I'll fill you in on everything that's been happening."

< Prev : Discord Next > : Sparkle vision and unfamiliar ships.