Prologue - Countdown

"Good Evening Central Worlds and welcome to NNN ..."

The image of the new desk anchor Ms. Diane Oda filling the main viewer of the plaza as her voice came from every speaker like a melody. Her image that of a goddess of old an almost ethereal beauty untouchable by time or the common man. A renowned journalist working for the NNN Media Group for the last decade, she was now the face of the 35th Campaigns media machine bringing the latest highlights and in-depth interviews with the movers and shakers of the coming conflict.

"Tonight marks the official start of the countdown to the beginning of the 35th Campaign with word coming from both the Department of Warfare and Faction Leadership promising us all that this campaign with go down as the best in recorded history."

With those words, the stage was set. The NNN Media team going all out transforming the background image of the ruins of a once-grand arena into a state-of-the-art battleground. The countdown clock taking shape as it began counting down the minutes, hours, and days coupled with images of advertisements, past news segments, and promotional materials flooding the airwaves, captivating the hearts and minds of people across Central Worlds and every colony and station built by human hands.

Ms. Diane took center stage again, once more becoming the show's charismatic host repeating her now signature catchphrase.

"Welcome to the Factional Warfare Entertainment Countdown, I am Diane Oda and I will be your host for the coming campaign."

Her image and voice once more echoing through every screen and radio, electrifying the atmosphere. Viewers from different factions no doubt gathered around their devices, their loyalties forgotten, their eyes fixed on the impending spectacle and the goddess of war that was to bring it to them.

Ms.Oda smiled brightly as she spoke at length unveiling new twists, challenges, and surprises for the coming campaign while she touched upon the highlights of the last campaign. The past challenges ranging from simple combat courses to team-based competitions designed to test an individual's strength, intelligence, and resilience. The factions, fueled by their pride and desire for victory, poured their heart and soul into these challenges, captivating the viewer's imaginations.

The NNN Media team skillfully captured the dramatic moments with close-ups of determined faces, slow-motion shots of dramatic explosions, and heart-pounding music that brought the viewing audience to the edge of their seats. With even the most hardened soldiers finding themselves cheering, laughing, and weeping along with each faction's journey.

As the countdown progressed, the emotional stakes were being raised. The personal stories of faction members from past campaigns were shared, capturing the hearts of viewers from across the galaxy. Families torn apart by the war embraced their loved ones through the TV screen, hoping for their success and safe return. The lines between reality and entertainment blurred, making the viewers feel like active participants in the ongoing drama.

The 30-day countdown became a bridge between the factions, uniting them in a way no one could have anticipated. People from opposing sides found common ground through their shared excitement, and friendships bloomed among former enemies. The Factional Warfare Entertainment Countdown became more than just a show; it became a symbol of unity, hope, and the possibility of a better future.

Diane Oda appeared again delivering her final words for that evening, emphasizing the importance of unity and peaceful coexistence with her closing sentence.

"May the spirit of this campaign live on, bridging the gaps that divide us."

Her image faded but the electricity in the air remained.


Next > : Enter The Joker