DeVirr - No Misunderstandings

Adonis IV
Six Star Alliance - Fortress Station
0520 - 19-01-2396


The one thing the SSA High Command knew how to get done quickly was propaganda and it was not even three days after she had agreed to do the photo sessions and exposition piece that they had already arranged for everything.

Given the timing she’d end up doing the exposition piece first given that she had already scheduled her performance evaluations early in an effort to avoid the last minute rush on the combat simulators that tended to happen in the last days leading up to the official start of combat operations.

Not that she really cared about the results of the evaluations but a good score earned a soldier a nice boost in pay but also air-time on the public feeds giving a soldier a chance to pick-up new fans and boost their ratings.

No sooner had DeVirr pulled herself out of her bunk that morning and popped the tab of her morning cola was she set upon by a trio of floating eyeballs. Media observation orbs as they were officially called by the higher ups. Small white spherical devices roughly the size of a baseball that you tended to see hovered about the battlefield or empty corridors of the station sticking their little eyeballs into everyone’s business.

“Good Morning Sgt DeVirr, I hope you had a pleasant evening?” The floating orb nearest her announced in that typical happy announcer voice on tends to hear on the public media feeds.

“Good Morning.” She sounded back before drinking from the can of soda and taking a bite out of a protein breakfast bar.

“The breakfast of champions I see.” The voice issued in a mildly sarcastic tone as the orb floated closer.

DeVirr smirked looking at the orb. “Is that the voice of Kyle Washington I hear?”

“Good ear, are you a fan perhaps?” The voice responded.

DeVirr shook her head. “Hardly, I just recall that hit piece you did last campaign for Melinda Torrez. Actually I’m surprised they even let you work with another female soldier after the shit you pulled last season.”

There was a moment of silence as the eye drifted back from her. “ That was just a little misunderstanding.”

“A misunderstanding…” DeVirr nodded to herself. “ Well then, let's be clear with one another right out the gate so we can avoid any future ‘misunderstandings’ shall we. Melinda is a sweet girl but lets be honest she’s a moron and I’ll lay really good odds that she was so embarrassed by that little hit piece of yours that she just let High Command sweep it under the rug and let your ass off the hook. I am not that nice Kyle, and If you pull that shit with me … well lets just say that I’ve fucked people higher in the pecking order in NNN than you and I’m not above calling in a few favors and if that doesn’t work … I’ll just hunt your ass down and cut your balls off myself.”

The room was silent for a moment before the man responded in a shocked voice. “ Did you just threaten me?”

“No Kyle, that wasn’t a threat, That was a promise.”


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