Oda - 10 Days and Counting

Adonis IV
Central Worlds - Battlefield Observation Station
1830 - 20-01-2396

NNN Entertainment Media Broadcast

“Good Evening Central Worlds and welcome once again to NNN…”

Diane Oda’s smiling face appeared, filled the central plaza’s main public display as her voice came like warm honey over the address system drawing all eyes and ears to her as spoke.

“With only 10 days remaining on the clock until the official start of the 36th campaign. Our special guest tonight Professor Isaac Ross the top analyst for the Central Worlds Department of Warfare, is here to give us some insights into the coming conflict.”

Diane smiled warmly before the image switched to that of an a large distinguished man dressed in formal attire smiling into the camera.

“Thanks for being here Professor Ross.” Diane said warmly.

“Thanks for having me Ms Oda.”

“With the official drawing of the factions initial starting sites having already taken place can you give us some thoughts on what is going to happen next in these first few critical hours and days of this campaign?”

The man’s smile never wavered as he nodded his acknowledgement.

“Well simply put, with the official starting sites already assigned the individual factions' leadership will have already started analyzing the data they have about the site itself and the surrounding territories and then develop a strategy of how to quickly secure those markers that their individual factions have prioritized.”

Diane appeared on the screen nodding her head in mock understanding.

“Could you better explain what that means for our first time viewers, Professor?”

‘Well put simply each faction has its own priorities when it comes to what they want and need in the initial hours and days of the conflict. Take for example the Unionist Faction that has hundred or worlds and colonies that produce a staggering amount of raw materials and finished goods but has relatively low food production. In these initial stages of the conflict the Unionist Faction needs to not only calculate how many food production markers they need to acquire but they also need to secure them as quickly as possible or else suffer food shortages back home which have in the past resulted in civil unrest and riots on many of its more remote colonies and stations.”

“Really, and do all the factions like that?” Diane inquired.

“No… no…” Professor Ross shook his head. “ Each faction has its own priorities and goals when it comes to what they are hoping to get out of the conflict. While the Unionist Factions priorities are food production The Corporate Alliance and the Six Star Alliance tend to prioritize raw materials and advanced technologies.”

“That sounds so interesting, and correct me if I’m wrong but I’ve heard that the Department of Warfare has introduced new rules this campaign that will govern what and how individual territories and markers award those factions that secure them?”

‘Indeed, it used to be that territories were graded by a simple 5 star system but over the last 2 campaigns issues arose regarding the volume and quality of the awarded goods. So the Department of Warfare reviewed the concerns raised and decided to adopt a new 10 star system to more accurately grade the quality of the goods and materials to be awarded.”

“And the changes didn’t stop there I’ve been told?”

“Yes, in fact the Department of Warfare has overhauled the whole awards and rewards system for the campaign, expanding the number and types of territories to be acquired as well as introducing an updated rewards system for those exotic items that can be discovered on the battlefield.”

Diane nodded. “ That sounds fascinating but I’m afraid we’ll have to address that on a later broadcast. Truly I want to thank you Professor Ross for being here this evening and I hope we’ll be able to talk more again.”

“It was a pleasure being here Ms Oda.”

Diane turned her gaze to the audience once again, her smile seemingly even brighter than before. Her voice again filling the silent void of the plaza as she spoke.

“In other news this evening, The body of popular media correspondent and documentary filmmaker Kyle Washington was reportedly discovered early this morning by Central Security after being requested to perform a welfare check of the long-time media personality's home. While Central Security have not ruled out the possibility of foul play, initial reports from the scene seemingly suggest that Mr Washington's death was the result of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound.”

Diane paused briefly, seemingly looking offscreen for a moment.

“Mr. Washington was under investigation by the Department of Warfare after reports of a verbal altercation between himself and an undisclosed female member of the Six Star Alliance who openly accused the popular media personality of purposely mishandling the documentary of the former Six Star Alliance elite Melinda Torrez in a calculated effort to damage her public image and impair her ability on the battlefield for monetary gain.”

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