Arrival of Jessie Carter

Who: Jessie Carter
Where: the Wyvern, BD flight deck.
"Yep, that's her all right." Jessie Carter nodded in
satisfaction as she confirmed the identity of the ship visible through
the viewplate. "The Blue Dwarf. Computer?" She paused while the
voice-activated flight computer of the Wyvern responded with its
preprogrammed "Yes, ma'am?" "Open communication
channels," she ordered. That was the advantage of automatic systems,
she reflected. You didn't have to ask them to do anything. You
just told them and they did it. No insolent AIs for her.
"Blue Dwarf to unknown ship. Identify please." She smiled,
briefly. God, it was a long time since she'd last done that. Since she'd
last been happy. "This is Pilot Jessie Carter of the fighter
craft Wyvern. I hear you have a vacancy aboard." There was a short,
slightly puzzled silence, then, "A vacancy?" "I mean,
there is a job available," Jessie explained patiently, "in the
security department. I am applying for it. Do I have permission to
land?" "Oh - sure."
She cut the communications. It had been easier than she had thought.
"Computer?" "Yes, ma'am?" "Initiate landing
OCC - Could someone on the Flight deck please desribe Jessie's arrival?
Permission to use this character granted.
By the way, if she gets into a fight with someone, it's the character
speaking, not me!

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