Seymour - "In search for food"

Who: Seymour Niples
Where: The Promenade
When: While the refugee ships attack
Seymour pulled down the protective metal shutters over the restaurant
"Les Royale Niples"' storefront. He'd finally decided to bite the
bullet and close the restaurant down. His master chef Pierre hadn't
come back from his Dodo hunting expedition to the deck below, so
Seymour assumed he must have been overpowered and eaten by the pests.
So with no food to serve, and no money to pay any staff, Royal
Ambassador Seymour Niples decided to close his posh restaurant. Just
as he locked the protective shutters, the Promenade's warning siren rang.
"Not another bloody attack!" Seymour said under his breath. "Don't
people know that we've got nothing to steal?"
He caught a passing security officer and asked him what was going on.
It was Weapons officer Peter Marwood.
"It's a small group of refugees from Earth. They don't like the fact
that we're giving humanitarian aid to some ships but not to them. They
feel discriminated against!"
Seymour sighed and let the officer head to his post. "What kind of
humanitarian aid can we give, we haven't got anything to give!" he
asked himself rhetorically.
Then turned around and almost tripped up over MK7, who was stood at
his feet. MK7 engaged his jets and hovered up to Seymours face.
"Hello Seymour!"
"That's Mister Ambassador to you!"
"Listen Seymour, I have a question to ask you…"
"The answer's no!" Seymour said and turned away.
"You haven't heard what I'm going to ask yet!" Said MK7.
Seymour turned back. "Do you KNOW me?"
"Good point… but I need you to help some people. We have some
survivors from Earth onboard." MK7 said matter-of-factly.
"We have what?!" said Seymour. "How many?"
"Just a few… and they're French!"
"Oh and that makes it all okay does it?!" Said Seymour. "So…. Hold on…
just a few? And let me guess… there's a million other people we aren't
MK7 nodded.
"Then this whole attack is your fault! We can't just help a few people
but not everyone! No wonder a lot of other refugees are so cheesed off!"
Mk7 hung his head in shame. "I was only trying to help… and thought
you could feed them. You serve a lot of that posh French crap."
"IT'S NOT POSH FRENCH CRAP!" Seymour bellowed, knocking MK7 back.
"It's Posh French CUISINE!"
"Ah" MK7 said quietly.
"And we're out of supplies, so tell them they'll have to leave."
"Oh but…"
"No, tell them to go. We don't want lots of French people hanging
around, stinking up the place do we?" Seymour said pompously.
"I think that's a tad unfair, but as I have no nose receptors, I can't
disagree." Said Mk7.
Mk7 turned and approached the French people who were waiting for him a
little further down the Promenade. "I'm sorry guys… Hold on a minute!"
He turned back to Seymour, who tried to leave when MK7's back was
turned. "I have an idea. We have plenty of food aboard… or we might do
without even realising it."
"Where?" Asked Seymour.
"We have an Arboretum right?"
Seymour remained quiet, but started to shake his head slowly.
"A place where we were supposed to grow plants onboard. There MUST be
some plants or vegetables that people can eat in there!"
Mk7 seemed proud of his idea, but Seymour was about to dash his hopes.
"No chance."
"It's far too overgrown, and… and… nobody's ever been in there for
years and survived."
"So it's a little overgrown, just give me a machete-attachment for my
arm socket!"
Seymour was mysteriously quiet. "No. There's no chance I'm even going
in there… some people say there are things living in there… I've seen…
I've seen shapes, movement, shadows… and the plants, I think they're
"Coniferous? You're scared of conifers?"
"Carnivorous you lowlife numbskull!" Said Seymour.
"That's alright, I'm made of metal!"
"No, I've heard things in there… plants or mutants… I don't know, that
have grown so big they can chew straight through metal"
Seymour continued, an eerie tone to his voice. "A door in my
Ambassadorial Quarters opens up into the Arboretum. I sometimes hear
noises that keep me awake at night."
MK7 bit his metal claws.
"Maybe we could use the French as bait?"
"You're on!"
< Tag to Reuben! Or anyone else if they fancy joining >

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