Black Out

<snip> Alandra sighed. "PETER, Peter, your alive, Im fine, I just cut
> hand" Alandra called out while Peter came running up to them. <end
Who: Alandra, Melissa, Peter
When: After Peter got back
Were: Hanger 1
"Well there were lots of fighting." Peter said smiling.
Alandra was about to reply but felt a little weak. Her head felt
light, her body aching. Suddenley her eyes rolled back and she fainted.
Alandra hit the floor. "Alandra!" Peter called out, he suddenley
kneeled by herside.
He pulled her up into his arms. Melissa immediatley checked her pulse.
"She has lost alot of blood!" Melissa commented. Melissa looked
up. "Guys, Get some help from the medibay immediatley!" Melissa called
In a couple minutes some guys from the medibay rushed down to help...
<tag Peter, or anybody else>

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