Re: Phils pills and fire continued...

Lt. White Wolf
Medical Lab
Sometime after Tara APB for White Wolf to come for his shot
White Wolf sauntering into the Medical bay while twiddling with the
mechaniod arm, while absent mindedly saying "I'm reporting for that
Shot that was announced over the public address system."
Then he stood in startled shock for a moment as Tara grabbed a bottle
of clear liquid and threw it a fire that read the label 'Ethenol'.
"Oh smeg, No wonder I failed chemestry in my GCSE's." says Tara as
She starts to panic.
The huge hamster immediately drops the mechaniod arms and reverses
out the door looking for the nearest fire extinguisher, and finding
none, runs by a group of scutters. He yells over his shoulder towards
them, "You guys go to the med lab, and help tara put out the fire,
while I find a fire extinguisher somewhere!"
Medical bay
As the scutters come in and start putting out the fire, some
skutters made offensive gestures to Tara for making them work so hard.
Outside, the huge hamster finally locates a extinguisher, and goes
charging back to the medibay enterance, Where he see Alota just
Tara finishes putting the pills on a table along with a note, as
White Wolf quickly dashes by Alota at the door, and begins spraying
everywhere but mostly focusing on the area around Tara with his
extinguisher, then he notices the fires already out.
Feeling somewhat silly for a moment, the overgrown hamster stops
spraying and lowers the extinguisher, pauses, and then reaches out to
flick a small speck of white foamy stuff off Tara's shoulder with one
of his paws. He looks puzzled at it, and then sniffs at it, and then
tastes it, and blurts "Hey, this fire extinguisher is loaded with
whipping cream!"
Then as Alota moves further into the room also flecked with some
whipping cream, The huge hamster looks at the floor nervously, and
speaks rather quietly, "Ahh, Sorry about that. I... Um..." he pauses
and scratchs behind his ear, "Oh dear... Umm, Would either of you
mind, ahh, my asking the both of you out on a date..." Eyes bulging
in embarrassment and quickly saying,"Uh... Dinner... to make to it up
to the both of you? Umm.. That is... if you don't mind going out with
a huge furry foul up gimboid of a hamster like me?"
The huge hamster starts shyly backing away from the two women while
saying "I... I... Umm... " and quickly bending over a grabbing up his
previously dropped mechaniod arm fumbling with it and nearly dropping
it twice, "I... understand if you don't want to... um.. You know..
ah.." he pauses and nervously scratches behind his ear again, "be
seen me..." and continues backing towards the door.
He pauses near the door *hoping* hear one of them answer.
OOC - Sorry About the whipped cream Tara, Alota, Hope you don't mind!
OOC - (another topic)Something in Yahoo's registration process really
mucked up my egroups conversion, and due to it, I've now got two
yahoo accounts! One named 'cmdrwhitewolf' (which I want to keep), and
another named 'cmdr_whitewlf'. Which got created when Yahoo's
conversion program said my 'cmdrwhitewolf' acct didn't exist! And the
funny thing was, it did exist somehow/somewhere, because it wouldn't
let me re-create it and suggested the alternative
name 'cmdr_whitewlf' which I tried to abort, but somehow got accepted
instead. So I tried to go back an remove the 'cmdr_whitewlf' acct,
and it won't let me. So I decided Yahoo must have some incredible lag
between thier systems going on, and I'd better try both accounts
later. Here on monday morning, I can log in to both accounts just
fine, but am really annoyed to find that Yahoo seems to have used
the 'cmdr_whitewlf' acct as the one to convert my egroups into.

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