RE: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Just having a nap, sir.

Kara walked down the corrifor in a bit of a daze. After crashing into the
side of BD who wouldn't be. Mostly she was worried about the amount of
trouble she would be in for that kinda thing. Crashes were not common in her
record. But then again she didn't ask for penguins in the Starbug playing
tennis so she at least had a legitmate excuse. Suddenly her foot collided
with something as she headed to her quarters and she slammed face first into
the ground. "What the smegging hell is going on?!" Kara snapped as she
turned to see what she had tripped on.
<Tag Jessie!>
>From: Miriam <mauve_wyvern@...>
>Subject: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Just having a nap, sir.
>Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2006 16:12:46 +1100
><snip> "I take it you heard that, so please, do yourself a favour, and go
>home." he said, then waited. Jessie just stood there, silently. Just
>as Jack was about to repeat the order, she responded, surprisingly
>calm and coherent for someone in her state. "Haven't been assigned
>quarters yet, sir." <end snip>
>Jessie waited for a response, but received none, Jack having moved
>off to check the scanners again. Finding herself ignored, the
>drunk-and-now-regretting-it pilot decided she was not wanted in the
>control room. With no shoes, no sleeping quarters and her sense of
>direction buried under layers of alcohol, she staggered off into the
>maze of corridors that filled the ship, found a comfortable corner,
>and went to sleep.
><Tag - anyone want to trip over me?>
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