The buzz

Katrina Swete
Her quarters
Katrina coughed herself awake. She rubbed her head and looked around. "What a
mess," she grumbled.
You need something to do, she thought. So, getting dressed, she wandered over
to the Medi-bay, looking for Tara. She wasn't there. She went around to the
quarters of a few other crew members. No one home.
Katrina checked her watch. Nearly 8. It was too early. People wouldn't start
going to bed for a couple of hours. She was either going to have to find
someone or go back to bed. She decided to look.
Outside Owen Numan's Bar
From outside, Katrina heard voices. Good, there were people somewhere. She
peeked her head in. She saw a few people: Penny Lloyd, Lt. Whitewolf, Tara,
Alota, a few guys from security. She squinted at another familiar figure. Who
was that?
Oh, it's the Commander, she realized.
Pulling her head back out, Katrina adjusted her red skirt, ran her hands
through her hair, and smacked her lips together. "Here goes nothing," she
mumbled, and pulled open the door.

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