Warm Welcomes

Who:- Doctor Xavier Keto, Vanessa Chrysler.
When:- During the space monster battle.
Doctor Keto sat at his desk and muttered to himself. Another space battle
was going on, this meant that at least one of the pilots would no doubt be
brought in here shortly. This in itself was bad enough the pilots, in his
opinion, were insufferable beings. Each one of them so sickeningly heroic,
disgustingly popular and overly confident in their ability to throw a flying
chunk of metal around the sky. The usually sauntered around the ship in the
flight suits, the male pilots usually the centre of female attention, the
female pilots usually intimidating the male crew, smug grins on each and
every one of them's smeggy little faces.
What made these thoughts worse was the niggling voice reminding him every
time the pilots went out there wa sa chance, however slim that chance may
be, that the most annoyingly smug pilot of all would find his way into the
Commander Jay Chrysler.
Keto, suffered from a pathological hatred of Chrysler's. He wasn't sure if
was brought on by his several weeks spent locked in the Blue Dwarf Big
Brother house with Jay all those years ago, or if it was just that they were
all complete gits.
He decided on the latter.
Keto's only consolation, was that Jay was now the only Chrysler aboard the
Blue Dwarf and thus, his exposure to them was reduced exponentially. He
shuddered thinking back, about 2 years ago when Jay's younger sister Vanessa
was still alive, a nurse here in the medi-bay of all places!
He had a minutely small amount more respect for Alota Chrysler, mainly
because A, she had paid his wages, and B, she was not a Chrysler by birth,
only marriage...something he could never understand, who, in their right
minds, would become a Chrysler VOLUNTARILY? And yet the evidence was clear,
the Chryslers had been breeding for centuries and showed no sign of stopping
anytime soon! Jay, was one of four siblings. FOUR!!!
Xavier took a deep breath, he was over-reacting. Vanessa, and Alota were
dead. Jay's eldest broher also dead and his youngest sister and parents
safely on Earth. Jay, was also, as much as he hated to give him any credit,
a far better pilot than most and rarely had any reason to visit the medi-bay
due to flying-related injuries. And of course, if he DID happen to suffer
third degree burns in his smug little face, (wishful thinking) Keto had a
whole plethora of staff he could order to treat him, and he could just stay
in his office out of the way until he had gone.
Problem solved!
He kicked up his feet on his desk and placed his hands behind his head,
pleased with himself, when there was a beeping on his door chime.
"come in.." he said reluctantly.
"Hi Doc!" said Vanessa Chrysler, entering "I'm back!"
Keto considered removing his own head with a cheese knife.

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