Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] *ACTION* The paranoid sector of the universe PART 2

<tagged from previous posts>
Jack knew what he had to do. Melissa was down there, being held by
them. His heart pounded in his chest, wanting to fly like a bat out
of hell (oh yeah, what a song) He got up, and dashed out of the Drive
room, down to his and Melissa's quarters.
As he entered, he stepped over to a cabinet, where there was a picture
of them both. He picked it up, and looked at it. "If they hurt
you..." he said, anger in his voice, before he grabbed his sniper
rifle, and ran down to the hangar.
Upon entering, he walked up to Chris, and smiled. "Ready to kick some
Welsh arse?" he asked, holding his rifle over his shoulder.
"Make good use of that Gunblade, bro." he said, noticing that he was
still using the one that was given to him. The gunblade Jack had
given him just after he had his eye not so surgically removed.
He climbed into the Raven, and strapped himself in, keeping a tight
grip on his rifle.
<tag, just a short one, but i don't want people forgetting that jack &
melissa are engaged>

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