Mission Critical: crosshairs

Who: Kevn Fenard
Where: the town on the planet.
when: after the first 25 headshots.
Kevn was crawling on his stomach on the roof of a small wearhouse, a
sniper rifle in his hands. He was sweating, his hair now a camoflage-
like color (meaning he is being sneaky)was matted with blood. There
were two down below, one was on the radio while the second was
tinkering with a bazookoid. Kevn's heart beated with adrenaline
surging throughout his veins. Not yet... he tought, not yet... Then
the one on the radio placed down his weapon to focus on what the
radio was saying. Now! Kevn leapt down from the rafters and landed
on the man fooling with the radio. His neck snapped under the force
of Kevn's boot, the man tried to yell but couldn't. Kevn then turned
to face the second one. He drew out his pistol and shot the man.
Put! "OOO that's gotta hurt!" Kevn said silently. Then another Merc
came out of the bathroom. Put! The man fell to the ground. "I can do
this all day!" Kevn went for the bazookoid. Then he activated his
comm. "Shane? Johnny? I took out the guys in the wearhouse. Now
There was only static.
"Smeg! This thing's less reliable than a insurance company!" He
tossed in aside.
Kevn shouldered the bazookoid and left the wearhouse. Once outside
he was met by two guards. "Aw, smeg!" Kevn cursed as he rolled to
the side and began to fire the bazookoid. Down they went, "This is
beginning to bore me!" Kevn said.
"Oh really!" said a feminine voice.
Kevn looked up and saw a woman, holding a pair of machine guns,
which were aiming at him...
<dont tag>

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