\'Memory - Alpha\'

<snip> While he was waiting for Jessie, Chrizla sat down on his bed and turned the TV on; "Countdown - Back to Normality" was on, Granada had gotten tired of the immortal Des Lynham so they cloned Richard Whitley and Carol Vorderman to get the viewers back. He guessed hisway through the numbers round, and by fluke he got the conundrum which was, ironically, "CONUNDRUM". He turned it off after the credits had rolled up and lay down on the bed, "Where's Jessie got to?" he asked no-one in particular, Talkie responded with a few flashes of his LEDs and flips of his paddle.<end snip> Jessie entered the Wyvern's airlock, and sighed. She really ought to clean up the trail of blood which she'd left on the floor after the pirates shot her, but had never found the time, and it had now been there for over a
year. The scorch marks on the hull needed painting, too. Time for that later, though. Instead, she opened the overfull suitcase that held most of her possessions, which sat against the wall of the tiny midsection. Various items tumbled out, including a small jewellery box, which sprang open, spilling its contents as it hit the floor. Tears filled her eyes as she tenderly picked up the ring she had never had a chance to wear. Oh, Nick... how could I have forgotten you... < “Four to bridge…Birdie, are you there?” > Memories seared through her
mind, as she unconsciously repeated her actions. < Her blaster was in her hand before she realised, aimed straight at First Officer Middleton. “Jessie – don’t.” Sandra was pleading. “Don’t do this.” Her finger tightened on the trigger. Pirate. Don’t do it. You killed Nick. She’s your best friend… Was. “Jessie – please.” Pull the trigger. No. Do it. >   <to be continued...>
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