Memory part 2 - Alpha

Who: Jessie
Where: the Wyvern, in landing bay 3.
when: mid-memory< Her blaster was in her hand
before she realised, aimed straight at First Officer Middleton. “Jessie –
don’t.” Sandra was pleading. “Don’t do this.”
Her finger tightened on the trigger.Pirate.Don’t do it.You killed Nick.She’s your best friend…Was.“Jessie – please.”Pull the trigger.No.Do it.“NO!”
Jessie turned and ran... > ...straight into the wall, knocking herself to the floor and
causing her to drop both gun and ring as she woke up to reality.
"What the -" she shook her head, taking in her surroundings.
"Not again. No. Not that again." Getting up carefully, as she
was a bit woozy from the knock, Jessie made up her mind. Before she did
anything else, she would clean up the bloodstain on the floor. That
must be what was causing the flashbacks. It was the only possible
explanation, she decided, conveniently ignoring the fact that she
probably needed counselling, and that it was almost certainly her own
sense of guilt over nearly killing her best (a little voice in the back
of her mind said: ex-best)... nearly killing her best friend
because she thought Sandra was helping pirates (and the voice screamed at
her: she was helping those smegging pirates, you saw her,
you- ). Sandra would never have done a thing like that (the voice raged:
she would and did, you knew how ambitious she is- ).
Jessie clamped down on her emotions, and, absent-mindedly picking the
ring up again and slipping it onto her finger, she went to find something
she could use to clean up the floor.
<tag any convenient janitors>

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