stop it, youre dribbling

OOC : I meant to put "Whaht is this thing that Phil has about Tara?" But got distracted by the cat jumping on my lap. Bloody furball(no ofense WW)
Location : Phil's quarters
Time : 5 mins later
Tara picked up Phil's light bee and gave it to him after giving it a shower of crumbs, they exchanged 'those smiles'
"But that's a fake light bee!" said Mulchay.
"It is? That means I'm a hologram after all - Hurrah!"
"Phil?" said Tara
"Stop it!"
"It's not very plesent!"
"Your're dribbling!"
Will phil stop dribbling?
Where did the fake light bee come from?
What is it with these muffins?
Can I be bothered to finish this sentanc....

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