Well Strike Me Down

Who: The Big Pink Tree
Where: Medibay
When: Just before Keto and Tara Arrive
The Big pink Tree bounded about the Medibay worried for the safety
of its favourite doctor, Charles Keto and hoped that Trisees was
looking after him. It was clueless as to what was happening down on
the planet and every moment it thought about the possibilities of
something going wrong more leaves dropped and covered the medical
The ointment cupboard had been most affected by this nervous tic as
the Big Pink Tree liked to sit by the ointments; they reminding it of
It bounded between the desks of Tara Cleavage and the long dormant
desk of Jennifer Wildflower.
The tree stopped bounding and leant against Wildflower's desk.
Nobody had seen or heard from her in months. She'd disappeared one
day to perform a routine check up and en route she'd vanished into
thin air. The big pink tree rustled sadly at the loss. She'd always
been friendly to it. The tree had always felt that there was some
romantic tension between the trainee surgeon and Keto too. Now they
would never get the chance to see their love hate relationship blossom.
The tree rustled happily at the word blossom and coated the chair in
another covering of pink leaves. It bounded over to Keto's office and
'looked' at the door to the medibay.
At that instant, the doors opened, causing the tree to jump up
startled. It rustled in horror as both Tara and Keto were wheeled
into the medibay on stretchers being pushed by Nurse Vanessa Chrysler
and Amber Keats.
Vanessa Chrysler pushed the stretchers to the sides of two empty
medibeds, and with Amber's help got both Keto and Tara each into their
own bed. As she attached monitoring equipment to Tara the tree
bounded and rustled hysterically alongside Keto's bed.
"I'll be there in a second! Tara requires MORE assistance!"
"Wait for god's sake!" She wiped her forehead with her arm and
muttered under her breath, "I could really use some help here."
Vanessa, Amber and the Tree all stared in shock as without warning the
door to Keto's office opened and a familiar looking figure fell out
and onto the floor, cursing and looking shocked.
"I don't believe it," said Vanessa.
"Who is that?" asked Amber.
*rustle! RUSTLE! RUSTLE-RUSTLE!* The tree bounced excitedly.
Before anyone could say anything else, Keto's monitoring equipment
began a high pitched wailing.
"No time for introductions, we need to save this man's life!" stated
Vanessa frantically. "I want everyone to help out, grab ointments,
tools, everything!"
The medibay became a whirl of proper activity and for once, had he
been conscious, Keto possibly may have probably been proud (unlikely.)
*Some time later*
Keto's eyes opened slowly.
He felt comfortable.
He knew this kind of comfort.
It was familiar, nostalgic.
It was a medibed.
What was he doing in a medibed?
He tried to reach up and rub his head but he was too groggy to move
properly and promptly gave up.
"Nurse? Nurse? Is anyone out there?" He called.
He blearily blinked a couple of times as somebody entered his field of
view, slowly their form coming into focus.
Keto's mouth dropped open aghast.
"It can't be, no, it can't. Where did you spring from?" he shouted.
Chief Surgeon William Shakespeare smiled and patted his friend's head.
"Dons't worry thyself upon questions such ast these. I'st amth here
to look afters't thou! We shall'st make thou better'th."
Keto grimaced and wished he were dead.
<ooc: Ok, so I missed him too. >

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