So Glad He\'s Back

Who: Keto, Shakespeare, The Tree
Where: Medibay
When: After Keto awakes
> Keto blearily blinked a couple of times as somebody
> entered his field of view, slowly their form coming
> into focus.
> Keto's mouth dropped open aghast.
> "It can't be, no, it can't. Where did you spring
> from?" he shouted.
> Chief Surgeon William Shakespeare smiled and patted
> his friend's head.
> "Dons't worry thyself upon questions such ast these.
> I'st amth here to look afters't thou! We shall'st make
> thou better'th."
> Keto grimaced and wished he were dead.
"I wish I were dead," Keto announced, bluntly. This statement was
met, much to his chagrin, by a wide and friendly smile from
Shakespeare the surgeon.
"Thou almost were'eth!" he said cheerily, "But we'st have saved'st thou!"
"I lie corrected," growled Keto, "I wish YOU were dead. Again."
The doctor tried to prop himself up on his elbow, but whereas normally
he would have easily been able to vault out of the bed and proceed to
strangle the hapless surgeon, this time there was a searing pain on
the left side of his chest that left him gasping for air with coloured
spots floating in front of his eyes.
"Thou'st must rest, Charles!" said Shakespeare quickly, helping Keto
to lie back again, "Thou'st hath been shot by most severe bullets of
"F-fortune?" Keto breathed. Shakespeare nodded.
"The Celts be'eth a most wild and villainous array!" he pronounced
sombrely, "With weapons most villainous and wild!"
" Why not Bloody...Welsh..."
It was at this opportune moment that the Tree bounded in, hyperactive
and more over-excited than usual, and began to shed pink leaves all
over Keto. The doctor's rather vehement protests were muffled by
foliage until Shakespeare shooed the plant away.
*Rustle-rustlerustlerustle!* exclaimed the Tree. Keto took a breath,
preparing to spit several cutting insults at it...and then suddenly
paused, eyes widening for a second before he narrowed them reflexively.
"Where's Cleavage?" he said quietly.
OOC: Tag people. :)
- Chris (JHXMT)

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