Trouble at Customs

Who: Peter & Kevn
Where: New France
When: After a Quick Drink with the French Smuggler's
Peter placed his empty glass down on the Wooden Crate that served as a table. He didn't usually drink Wine, It's Bitter taste made him wretch, but seeing as he was surrounded by the Criminal Scum of New France, he thought it would be wise to accept their hospitality. The Room was bare aside from a few chairs, crates and some weapons propped against the wall, Kevn was chatting with some of the Frenchmen. Things were going to plan. Peter didn't trust it. He caught sight of something moving outside one of the windows, instinctively he moved to the Rifle he'd placed on the table. Just as all hell broke loose. A dozen or so French Soldiers burst through the windows and aimed their guns at Kevn and Peter.
"Get down, you Smuggling Scum!" ordered the French Commander
The French Mercenaries laid down on the floor, almost wetting themselves with fear. Peter and Kevn stood defiant.
"You too, you English Pig-dog's" spat the Frenchman.
Peter made a brief eye contact with Kevn, both knew what they had to do.
"Now!" shouted Kevn, he whipped out his two handguns and shot at the French Commander and a Soldier next to him. Both were hit in the arm, dropping their weapons and falling to the floor. Peter too had sprung into action, picking up his rifle he had smacked a nearby enemy in the jaw, making a heavy crack sound as it hit, knocking the Frenchman unconscious. He Quickly moved around and let out a barrage of machine gun fire, killing two guards instantly and leaving one temporarily crippled. Peter and Kevn legged it for the door, both managing to take out a few more Soldiers as they went.
"Smeg! How did they know we were here?" asked Kevn, as they legged it back to the bug.
"Probably got sight of us from that Radar System built into the Eiffel Tower. I mean, it's not everyday that an unscheduled Space Corps Vessel comes here." replied Peter. They were now only a few hundred meter's away from Starbug. Both men flew up the access ladder and into Starbug, sealing and locking the Airlock behind them.
"Let's get out of here." panted Kevn, sitting down at the Navigation Desk. Peter started up the engines, and Starbug took off.
"Uh oh, they've got rockets!" said Kevn, looking at the Radar Screen.
"I'm going to bring the `Bug about, get ready to fire those new laser cannons we had installed." Peter told Kevn, whilst he rotated the Bug so it hovered in the air facing the French Officers.
"Fire!" shouted Marwood. And Kevn did. Two bolts of fire red energy hurled towards the Soldiers. They were all vaporised in seconds, leaving nothing below but a shallow crater and a few solitary flames.
"Well done Kevn, Have we taken any damage?" asked Peter, setting the Starbug on autopilot back towards Blue Dwarf.
"Minimal, nothing the Flight Technicians can't repair in 10 Minutes, why don't we go and check out the weapons we got?" suggested Kevn. Marwood agreed, and they set off in the direction of Starbug's small Cargo Bay.
After a minute or two of trying to open one of the crate's, they managed to get into one. Inside were a dozen or so assault rifles and Machine guns.
"Looks like some pretty fancy hardware" said Peter
"Yeah, this lot will certainly come in handy if we ever come into contact with those Welsh Terrorists again." Kevn said back.
"Hell, it'll come in handy with my mother next time I see her!" laughed Peter, Kevn joining in. They left the Cargo Bay and back up to the cockpit, to prepare for their arrival on the Dwarf and meeting with Captain Jed.
Back on New France, in an underground Government bunker, an employee went over the footage of the unknown vessel which had just wiped out one of their top Customs Assault Squads.
"Computer, identify the craft in this video" the Government worker asked.
"Ship identified as Class Two, Ship to Surface vehicle designated `Starbug 4'" came the AI's response.
"Who is owner of the owner of the craft"
"The craft is registered to the Space Corps"
"Space Corps? Are there any more Space Corps ships in the area?"
"Affirmative, the Jupiter Mining Corporation Vessel The Blue Dwarf" said the PC
"Thank you. Oh, and Computer, what is the Space Corps vessels current trajectory" asked the anonymous government lackey.
"Starbug 4 will dock with the JMC Blue Dwarf in 13.4 Minutes"
"Thank you Computer" said the Civil Servant. These Criminals weren't going to get away with this.

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