Mk.8 - "Getting Ready"

< OOC - I'm posting this on behalf of Reuben >
Who: Mk.8, Jay, Trisees, Phil, and anyone else
Where: On the welsh planet
When: After a few preparations
Mk.8 was hovering around the dozen or so people who slightly resembled
a group, yet they were not clearly working together. A few were
chatting, and a few more were fiddling quasi-purposely with a vast
array of weapons. This was the rabble that were hoping to get picked
to help rescue the poor souls undoubtedly being tortured in the welsh
camp. Over in a corner, Phil was sitting innocently on a large crate
of weapons, dangling his legs and staring at them as he did so.
"Gee, this will be fun." Said Mk.8 "We're gonna need a medic before we
even set off, I just know it."
Remembering his peculiar new reflex, he decided to take a quick glance
over his combat behaviour protocols.
Billions of command prompt scrolled down over his vision.
"Hmm, well, all normal so far… Wind resistance… Gravity calibration…
Aha, here we go; Katana proficiency."
He opened and expanded the file, and more code spooled out.
"Yes, yes, hydraulic systems manipulation… Here it is."
Mk.8 read the code out to himself.
"Ok, `beyond acceptable limits' eh?" said Mk.8 "That'll come in handy
Rufus, thanks."
He pulled out an extremely powerful grenade, pulled the pin, and
pressed it against his head.
"This ought to do the trick"
He could detect the thought processes shooting through his CPU
Suddenly, the hidden file `Mk.8KATANA' opened.
Jay and Trisees stepped out of the command tent, clearly not happy
with each other, but ready to cause some pain.
"Alright guys" said Jay, stepping over the head of a welsh general.
"Trisees and I will be leading the two teams into the welsh barracks
to rescue the captured prisoners, and we need volunteers."
The group of people all ran up to them, and jumped up and down with
their arms in the air like a group of school children shouting "Pick
me! Pick me!"
However, Jay and Trisees were rather distracted by the goings on
behind the group.
Mk.8 felt the power searing through his CPU, and everything seemed to
slow down. He lobbed the grenade into the air, pulled out the katana,
and sliced the grenade, removing the fuse perfectly. While his systems
were in this mode, he was able to access the systems in the file, and
uncoupled them from the conditional of impending death, allowing him
access to the system whenever he wanted.
The remains of the grenade landed with a soft thud in front of him,
and he turned his head to see Jay and Trisees staring at him.
They turned to each other.
"Shotgun!" they both called, Trisees doing so a split second earlier,
resulting in the display of a rather triumphant smile as he turned to
look at Jay.
Suddenly, there was a loud shot, and a yelp.
"Ow! He shot my foot! I need a medic!" shouted one of the nameless
group members

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