that could've gone better

Who: Kevn & KN
where: the botanical gardens
when: before entering the gardens
Kevn crawled up the ladder towards the grating, KN48 lead the way.
Kevn was tired, he hadn't rested since the Wlesh incident. KN opened
the grating and disappeared into the sunlight. Kevn climbed into the
blinding light...
Kevn saw the massive jungle of the gardens, "Yeah, this place has
gone to hell..." he sighed.
And grabbing a rusty machete that was, for some reason, lying on the
ground he set off to get back to his wine and jam...
Kevn's first step was a doosey, he slipped and tumbled down the
Kevn awoke to the sound of growling, he got up and noticed that he
had only tumbled a few feet down. The growling was coming from a tree
next to him. Upon closer inspection he saw it was a... squirrel? Kevn
was worried, squirrels didn't growl, they never have and never would.
But this one was... and it was growling louder by the second. As Kevn
backed away the growling got even louder. He stopped, the growling
subsided, he backed away again, the growling grew. "Aw smeg!" was the
only thing Kevn said as the squirrel attacked.
It bit into his nose, "YEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!"
It started knawing on his ear, "WAAAAAAA!!!!!"
It continued to bite in random places, "AAAAAHHHH!!!"
Kevn wrenched it off of him and tossed it to the ground. It turned and
glared at him with bloodlust in its eyes. Kevn unsheathed the rusty
machete, "C'mon you nut chewing son of a..." the squirrel lunged.
Kevn swung the large knife like a club. The squirrel bit onto the
knife and didn't let go. Kevn started to whack the squirrel on the
tree. "Get off!" he yelled.
KN48 came out of the brush and watched Kevn beat the living daylights
out of the helpless squirrel. What could've raced through his data
banks was: "He must be nuts..."
Kevn stopped as the squirrel unclamped itself from the machete and ran
off. Kevn turned and saw KN watching in what looked like disbelief.
"We need to be more careful out here..." Kevn said as he began to
slash the brush....

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