*Action* - "Seymour talks to the French"

Who: Ambassador Seymour Niples
Where: New France
When: Just after Kevn and Peter came back to the Blue Dwarf
Seymour walked out of his Starbug which he'd parked nearby the French
city of New Marseilles. He'd brought the RAID buggy along with him but
soon realised the town had a strict pedestrian-only system to make the
city appear more green. This royally pissed Seymour off because he
didn't like to walk anywhere.
He crossed a street towards a french bread shop with a grin on his
face. "Finally I find myself in a planet of class and sophistication!"
he said. But just then a stereotypical french onion seller on a bike
ran over his toe.
Seymour yelled and swore at the cyclist. "Bloody French!"
"English pigdog!" came the reply.
Unfortunately though, Seymour wasn't here on vacation. He was here on
business. He was to meet with the Prime-Minister of New France to try
and smooth over the tensions between them and the Blue Dwarf.
Seymour made his way to the government building, all the way noticing
that everything electrical was barely working. Barely a ship in the
sky, only a quarter of the houses had any lights or music coming out
of them, and he only saw one street light that worked, and that was
looking extremely dull and about the blink out.
The place had no power.
Seymour felt a cold chill. That was their fault. The planet used to
have a regular supply of oil until the pipeline burst.
Seymour wanted to throttle Peter for not being as efficient at
shooting the suicide bombers down, but he knew it wasn't his fault.
When Seymour got to the government building, things were the same. The
building barely had power. He was shown to a meeting room with
France's President Jacqueline Shiraz and the Military Leader, Napoleon
Seymour entered the room and shook both of their hands. He wanted to
say 'Bonjour' but felt silly in case he got the accent wrong. He
noticed the Prime Minister looked a bit ill.
"Are you feeling alright Ma'am?" Seymour said.
"Yes fine, fine. Just a touch of the flu."
Seymour ignored it and sat down, then started to get the grilling of
his life.
"This planet doesn't have any oil pipeline anymore." Said General
Napoleon Shiraz. "Your ship stood and watched as it got blown up by
the Welsh."
Seymour chuckled patronisingly.
"Actually Mr. Bogarde, It's not MY ship, the person you want to blame
is Captain Calvert. But really, he's not here to `Defend' your planet.
I'm sure you're capable of doing that yourself!"
"Yes of course we are!" Said the General. "Which is why we're
investigating your ship as a threat to the New French Empire."
"What? That's ridiculous… now lets just part on good terms, you give
me some fine wine and you'll never hear from us again." Seymour said
to try and brush the situation under the carpet.
"Alright then Monsieur Niples-"
"Actually it's Ambassa- oh never mind."
The General continued. "Explain this!"
He showed Seymour a digital photograph of a Starbug shooting at a
French turret shaped like an Eiffel tower.
"This was taken today. It shows one of your ships shooting at us."
"You're paranoid. That could be anybody, lots of people use Starbug
The General zoomed in on the image to clearly show a Blue Dwarf logo
on the ship. "Explain this then!"
Seymour opened and closed his jaw in amazement. "Well… alright. It's a
Blue Dwarf ship… but maybe they're not doing it on purpose, who says
it wasn't self defence?"
The General zoomed to the window to show Peter Marwood's face flipping
them off, and Kevn attempting to moon them.
"Oh I don't know why I bother." Said Seymour under his breath.
"We think you're planning an invasion. You've crippled our power
supplies, communication and most methods of transport… and your ship
is waiting just within the borders of our space. We want to know when
the invasion begins!"
"Oh come on, that's just daft! I'm leaving. Just give me my wine and
I'll go."
He heard several guns behind him being cocked.
Seymour gulped. "Alright, keep the wine, I've got plenty."
Just before Seymour was arrested, events took a wildly different
The Prime Minister, Jaqueline Shiraz, who already wasn't looking or
feeling too well suddenly stood up and started flapping her arms in a
fit of panic.
"Mrs Prime Minister! Are you okay!" Said Seymour with surprisingly
genuine concern.
"Get back Nipples!" Said Admiral Bogarde. "What have you done to her?"
The Prime Minister fell to the floor and turned a strange colour, her
skin started to get blotchy and bumpy. Then small feathers started to
protrude from her skin. The whole process looked very painful but
didn't last more than 20 seconds. In no time at all she stood up
again, covered in feathers and growing a protruding beak. She then
continued to flap around the room before jumping out of the window.
"Oh my God!" Said Seymour. "What in God's name happened?!"
"As if you didn't know!" said the General. You've infected her with
the Bird Disease! This is chemical warfare!"
"But I didn't do anything!"
"I'm declaring Marshall Law" said the Admiral. "First thing to do is
catch the Prime Minister before she spreads the disease, then capture
the Blue Dwarf in orbit and take the crew into custody!"
Seymour screamed as the guards took him away.
< OOC- I know we haven't finished with the mission of rescuing Jack
and Chris yet but I thought I'd add this for anyone not involved in
that storyline, plus it sets up the scene for my next action. >
< OOC2- I'm going away for the weekend so I thought it best to post
this now. I won't be posting another until at least monday night so
this can be taken any direction you want, French can come aboard, try
and arrest us etc >

< Prev : Hypodermic Needles in the Fayse Next > : OOC: SOTM - March