*Backstory* Flight from Titan: Prologue

Who: Ryan and Jessie Carter.
Where: Titan
When: 2087
Ryan Carter smiled fondly at his small daughter. Despite losing her
mother at a young age, she was a sunny child, and they shared a very
close relationship. Just five years old, and already she knew exactly
what she wanted out of life. Only last night, when they were sitting
outside, watching Saturn lift itself majestically over the horizon of
its largest moon (well, they would've, if it was possible see anything
through the dense atmosphere), she had looked up at him and said, in
her clear young voice, "When I gwow up, I wanna be a pilot like you."
<Stay tuned...>
<OOC - I'm having email problems, so if some of my posts come through
two or three times, just ignore the extra copies.>

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