Why is it always Landing Bay 3?

who: Vanessa, the Pink Tree, Chrizla, Guinevere, Jessie Alpha and Jessie
where: Landing Bay 3 (not a good place to be at the moment)
when: round about when the Raven ...er, landed.
<snip> Birdie. No-one had called her that since before Nick
died. Finally, something clicked in her memory, and Jessie stared at her
other self in disbelief. This was far worse than when she'd almost killed
Sandra, who had been like a sister to her and was her first officer at
the time. Far, far worse.
No. She couldn't have. She couldn't possibly...
Overcome with horror at what she'd almost done, Jessie collapsed to the
floor, screaming hysterically.
<end snip>
Jessie was stunned. "I... I didn't think I - she'd overreact like
that." Chrizla sighed, annoyed. "You're not gonna just leave
her there, are you?" Jessie didn't say anything, still frozen. By
now, Vanessa and the Tree had come out to see what happened. The nurse
shook her head when she saw Chrizla. "Well, it looks like we are
needed after all." She turned to Guinevere, who'd been too surprised
to say anything. "Since you're here, you might as well make yourself
useful. Take Jessie up to the medibay." Vanessa glanced at the one
still standing, then added, "Take both of her."
Vanessa was inspecting the damage to Chrizla's skull when the
announcement came. "Attention anyone in landing bay three.... THE
"Smeg!" Jessie yelled unexpectedly, then surprised everyone by
dashing into the Wyvern, returning with a large, overfull suitcase.
Pausing only to drag her other self off the floor, she quickly overtook
everyone else in their race to get to the door.
Moments after getting out, they heard a momentous crash, combined with an
unearthly screeching noise as the Raven skidded across the floor. Several
rather loud crunches followed as it ran over half a dozen Starbugs... and
the Wyvern.
"Looks like we got out just in time." Commented Jessie, wincing
at the destruction of her crippled fighter.
Then the Raven rammed through the wall. Fortunately, they were on the
other side of the bulkhead.
<tag anyone who's interested>

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