*Backstory* Flight from Titan: Part 1

Where: Space Corps Academy (Titan campus)
When: 2101
“Hey, Birdie!” The girl lying on the bunk looked up, to see her roommate
standing in the doorway. “Hi, Sandra. What’s up?” “Oh, Nick’s throwing a
grad party tonight.” The girl addressed as Birdie was immediately
interested. “Did he say where?” “Yeah, some restaurant called ‘La Regal
de Mckenzie’s’, or something like that. It sounds good.” This last was
added almost as an afterthought. Sandra started to leave the room, but
was stopped by Birdie’s surprised query. “I thought La Regal was on
Earth?” she asked, puzzled. “Oh, it is, but business is so good on Titan,
they decided to open another one here.” Birdie nodded understanding, and
her face brightened as she said, “Tell him I’ll be there.”
At the Space Corps Academy (Titan campus) graduation party, the drinks
flowed freely. There would be no classes tomorrow for any of these
students, so anything went. Birdie was sitting in a corner with a group
of her friends, thoroughly inebriated after just a few drinks. “I think
Sandy’s too ambishus,” she was saying, “but, tell you what…” there was a
pause as she tried to remember the word she wanted, and gave up “…I’m
gonna be a pilot!” The group erupted with laughter, and Nick called out,
“Knew you’d want to fly with me!” Birdie giggled, and he put his arm
around her.
<To be continued...>

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