(no subject)

"What in the hell do you think you're doing?" Jay sputtered, entering hhis
office to find a group of French guards, pulling out all his files, and
general contents of his drawers and cupboards and scattering them all over
the floor.
"We are searching the premises for ze weapons!" replied one guard, as he
twiddled his thin moustache.
"Well you're not gonna find any in the confidential navi-crew personell
files!" Jay stooped to scoop up the files that were scattered, but had his
hand smacked away by another guard, with a large metal baguette.
"Ouch!" Jay replied, clutching his hand "Look all I'm saying is that these
are CONFIDENTIAL! Can you imagine what might happen if the midget got hold
of these?"
"Not our problem....."
"Hey put that down!" Jay snapped, noticing one of the French guards had
picked up he and Alota's wedding photo that was on his desk. The guard
ignored Jay and sliced the back of the picture frame open with his knife,
ripping out the photo. When he was satisfied that there were no secret
weapon plans contained within the frame the guard shredded the photo.
Jay's eyes narrowed..."That..." he said "Was a mistake..."
He lunged across the room, flying over his desk into the guard, slamming him
against the large window at the ship's bough.
Jay realised that the mistake had actually been his, when he felt the burly
hands of the other four guards lift him off their comrade, and throw him
against the opposite wall and instantly began laying into him.
"Alright alright!!" Jay shouted from underneath someones boot on the floor.
"Do what you need to do, but you're not having the key's to the Phoenix!"
The guards looked at each other, and immediatly started to beat up Jay
again. This time with the metal baguettes.
One reached down and took the key's from Jays's pocket.
"Ok...ok..." Jay relented. "But if you think you're touching anyhting inside
it you've got another think coming!"
The last thing Jay saw before blacking out was a boot heading toward his

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