Dual Nightmare

Beta Jessie ran through the corridors of the SSS Achille. Somehow, she knew she would be too late, but she had to try. She turned a corner and skidded to a stop, in a room that was somehow both the bridge and the landing bay at the same time. There were bodies all over the floor. And there, standing at the console, was Sandra. Jessie strode towards her, gun in hand, dimly aware that lying at Sandra's feet was Nick, riddled with bullet holes and quite clearly dead. As she approached, Sandra turned, and saw her. Her eyes widened in terror. "Jessie... please..." Slowly, Jessie raised her gun, took aim. This time, she would do it. Her finger tightened on the trigger.   Suddenly, almost unnoticeably, everything shifted. It was no longer the bridge/landing bay of the Achille, but the landing bay of the Blue Dwarf, and Jessie realised, too late, that the face she was aiming at... was her own.   Alpha Jessie stood on the bridge of the SSS Achille, at the console. Behind her, strewn about the room, were the bodies of her crewmates, each and every one of them murdered by pirates. Somewhere on the ship, she knew, was Sandra, who had betrayed them all. But for now, the only thing she could think about was Nick's last words to her. I love you. She heard a slight scuffing noise, and spun around to confront Sandra, standing, smirking, among the carnage in the landing bay, holding a gun. It was aimed directly at Jessie. "Please... don't do this." She was shocked to realise that the pleading voice was her own.   Suddenly, the scene blurred, and everything changed. Now she was standing outside her crippled fighter, in a landing bay that was somehow vaguely familiar. And the figure standing opposite her, already firing, was herself...Who: Jessie Alpha and
BetaWhere: Jessies' quartersBoth Jessies woke screaming.There were two thuds, followed by silence. After a few minutes, it was broken by a sound so strangely ordinary that it seemed out of place."Ow. Um... can you get off me, please?"A moment later, there was a scrabbling noise, such as might be made by someone, rather unsteadily, trying to stand up. "Lights."Jessie glanced down at her other self. "Sorry. I didn't mean to land on you." The one currently on the floor nodded, and, reaching up, used the lower bunk to pull herself shakily to her feet. "We've got to do something about this," she said, voicing both their thoughts. The other agreed. "There has to be someone aboard this ship who can do something."<tag Trisees>
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