A plan

Who: The Blue Dwarf team finding the weapons
Where: New Paris
When: After "Nouvelle Français in crisis"
< OOC- okay we have a plan! We need to get up to the tower, touse
the turret to shoot the building and get our weapons back.
Butremember we only have soft pellet guns, so we need some kind of
plan!Tag to anyone! >
Joe Craggins had a sudden though of inspiration. He remembered that
rubber insolated electricity. He told everyone to empty the rubber
pellets from their guns and emptied his own. He put them in a pile
and left them there. He went round the peremiter of the fence until
he found a fenced in area with a lock on the gate and a sign that
read "Intensifier le transformateur ! Ne pas entrer! Tension et
risque extrêmes de la mort." or "Step up transformer! Do not enter!
Extreme voltage and risk of death." Joe ignored the sign, found a
large and heavy rock and smashed the lock clean off. He went back
gathered all the pellets in his arms and went back to the
transfromer. He went into the fenced in air and found all the hair
on his body suddenly rise with stacic electricity. He squished the
pellets into the best ball shape he could make, and with 10 years of
training in the space corps, he threw the pelllet ball with deadly
accuracey. The ball got lodged right inside the transformer. There
were huge flashes of electricity as the current doubled back on
itself then nothing. Tentitively, he walked outside, found a branch
at chucked it at the previously live electric fence. The branch
clattered against the metal fence then fell to the floor. The
pellets were isoulating the electricity. He walked back to everyone
else. The power lights on the fence were no longer flashing. He
began climbing the fence. When he got to the top he realised the
guard noticed the power was out and was weary. Joe, inspired by
rumours he heard whilst he was in the French camp suddenly begun
YOUR SUBCONCIUS TALKING! BWWWWARK!" The guard jumped and immedietly
jumped off the tower thinking he was turning into a chicken. Joe
climbed up onto the platform, crouching down out of sight of the
other guard on the other platform who heard the noise and asking if
everything was ok. Joe crept up to the gun and aimed it at the other
platform. He pressed the trigger. Nothing happened. The power was
out on the gun too, but not for long. Down below, the intense heat
of hundreds of thousands of volts had begun to fry the rubber until
it turned it into a rubbery mess and fell off the transformer with a
plop. Suddenly, without anyform of isolation, the electricity surged
causing the power lights on the gun and lights to turn on. Joe
immedietly fired the gun and blew up the other tower. Suddenly alarm
lights began flashing "Alerte! Alerte!" a speaker began crying. Joe
reaimned the gun and fired again creating a massive hole on the
ground floor of the building, near the Dwarfers. Unfortunetly, Joe
was now in a tall tower hundreds of metres high surrounded by an
electric fence.
<tag anyone who can think of a way to rescue me/put me in imeniant
danger, im out of ideas>

< Prev : Nothings going to stop me Next > : ooc