*Action* - "Flee the chicken tyranny!"

Who: The Blue Dwarf team finding the weapons
Where: Near the weapons storage building
When: As Joe Craggins aimed the gun…
Everyone watched as Joe blew a large hole in the side of the
building. Team members clapped and cheered him, but none of them went to help
him. Efof thought about it, but then shrugged and entered the building along
with everyone else.
There was every kind of weapon imaginable in the storage
building, it looks like the French had also impounded weapons from many other
"Well, help yourself I guess" said Jay, looking around for
the Blue Dwarf weapons. Jack was in some kind of heaven, various guns, swords,
blades of all sorts, and assortments of things in-between, gunblades, and
glowing plasma weapons, and some that he really had no clue how to work.
But Jack did have one mission, he was looking for the Blue
Dwarf's cannon turret shells. He was head of the Blue Dwarf's Defense
Department, and without any kind of ship-to-ship Defence, (i.e. turrets) he
would be out of a job.
He found them on a low floor in the basement, Jack had to
climb two flights of stairs going downwards to find them. Eventually he found
stacks and stacks of large metal-lined ammo boxes with "Space corps standard
issue" written on them. They were the bog standard high-impact shells that JMC
and Space corps ships used to fire out of their turrets.
Jack went over and hugged the large crates. "My babies!" He
But then his remaining left-eye caught something else. On an
opposite shelf were some similar sized boxes of some other kind of ammo.
"Ooh, whats this?" he asked himself and walked over.
He read the instructions on the side of the crate.
"Oh, I've got to take this!" he said to himself happily.
Who: General Napoleon Bogarde
Where: French Government building, New Paris
When: Same time
General Bogarde looked out of his Georgian style window to
the streets below. He had just been told that the plague had entered the city,
his plan to stop the spread of the chicken disease had failed. People right
underneath him watched in amazement as a large chicken ran past, and pecked
them. The people fell to the floor, and within minutes had sprouted feathers of
their own and were happily flapping around.
The General's messenger came in. "General, they're
everywhere! The disease has even spread to the streets-"
"I can see." The General said, his eyes never shifting from
the window.
The messenger shifted uncomfortably and showed him some
papers. "Monsieur, by these estimates the disease is spreading so fast that the
entire planet "
Eventually he turned around and sat on the edge of his thick
oak desk. He noticed the TV screen in the corner of the room, it was a news
report saying how the French football team would be unlikely to be entering the
Nouveau Terran Football Cup due to the chicken disease. A logo of the French
team flashed up for a sec.
Napoleon let out a sarcastic laugh. "Typical. The symbol of
the Cockerel, we use it for our football, but it is also the symbol of our
Outside the window came a loud `cock-a-doodle-doo'.
 "Mon dieu! Are the
doors locked?"
"Oui monsieur"
"Bon. We should be safe in here for the time being."
"What shall we do sir?"
"Are there any spaceship in range?"
"Only the Blue Dwarf sir"
"Those bastards!"
"Do you still think it was them who are responsible?"
"Who else? We, the great Nouveu Français empire have no
enemies! And why are they still here? Sitting there and watching us from orbit?
They are taunting us!"
"What if they are trying to help?"
General Bogarde stroked his thin moustache. "Maybe you are
right. I'm a proud man, some say too proud, some say obnoxious and some say
gay, but I'm not too proud to admit when I'm beaten. We didn't get anything out
of that Ambassador Niples prisoner we interrogated so maybe the Blue Dwarf is
innocent after all."
He took a deep breath and ran a hand through his greasy
"Maybe it is time to just ask for help."
Who: Captain Calvert
Where: Blue Dwarf, Drive Room
When: Same time
Jed accepted the incoming call from General Napoleon Bogarde
and sat with his spurred cowboy boots up on the desk waiting for the call to
come through.
"Howdy general." Calvert said, his voice dripping with
"Bonjour Captain. I'll get straight to business… um…
Captain, are you holding your two fingers up at me?"
"Why yes I surely am" Jed said as matter-of-fact.
"oh….May I ask why?"
"Because you commie bastards stole all my goddam weapons
"Oh yes… sorry about that."
Jed was genuinely shocked. He had pegged the general to be
as stubborn a bastard as he was himself.
"Woah, what's all this ass-kissin mister? You wanting
something?" Jed said.
The French General looked uncomfortable. "Actually, yes. I
want your help Captain. This Chicken disease is getting out of hand. I need you
to help me find the cure, or the entire French people are all going to be
"Ah, no change there then?"
"Captain I'm serious!"
"Okay okay." Jed said. "It just so happens I might be able
to get you a cure…" Jed thumbed the book Peter Marwood and Kevn had given him
earlier which contained everything he needed to know to make a cure for the
disease. "So… How much do I get?"
"What? Sacre bleu Captain! We're talking about saving a
planet here, saving lives! And you want to charge me for it?"
Jed rubbed his stubbly chin. "You betcha! We ain't cheap
"How about a tonne of cheese, and several hundred litres of
bottles of wine?" bargained the Frenchman.
"Do I look like that ponse Ambassador Niples? I mean money,
hard cash. Running a starship's not cheap you know!"
The Frenchman grunted and started writing a large number on
a cheque.
Jed rubbed his hands together. "We have a deal!"
Who: The Blue Dwarf team finding the weapons
Where: Inside the weapons storage building
When: As Joe Craggins aimed the gun…
In another section of the building, Jay and his new
love-interest Katrina had found the long-range transportation device that was
used to beam all their weapons off the Blue Dwarf.
"I think I've got the hang of this…." He said, then Joe
Craggins appeared on the transmat in front of him.
"Oh gee thanks, you took your time!" Said Joe. "I save the
day and you all go and bloody leave me for half an hour!"
"Be grateful!" Said Jay. "I could have beamed you here with
no clothes on! It's be damn funny, but I've already seen more naked men today
than I've wanted."
Then Jay had an idea. He tapped away at the keyboard and
looked at Katrina. Suddenly her underwear was beamed a meter to the left and
appeared in thin air before falling to the floor.
"Hey!" she said, and punched Jay in the arm.
Jay chucked as Katrina went to find somewhere to get
changed, then he turned his attention back to the transporter.
"We can use this to send all the weapons back to the Blue
Dwarf." He said, and started beaming everything that was stolen back to the
Jack appeared a few minutes later, puffing and panting
completely out of breath after dragging a large crate of cannon ammo up the
stairs. He looked at Jay. "Oh great, NOW you tell me you have a transporter!"
They had beamed several crates of Jack's ammo back to the
Blue Dwarf but just before they could beam anything else they heard the sound
of hundreds of clucking chickens descending on them.
A large chicken jumped through the gap in the wall, and
landed straight on the transporter controls, and started pecking out the wires.
"Quick do something!" Shouted Jack.
Jay quickly reached for a gun that was laying around, and
fired at the large chicken, knocking it off the transporter, but it already
looked damaged beyond repair.
"I have no idea what's going on, but I don't want to stay
around here to find out!" Jay called to everyone in the building. "I recommend
grab a weapon now and lets get back to the shuttles." 
< OOC – tag everyone! Don't be afraid to shoot plenty of
chickens! >

< Prev : OOC:I've thought of a post Next > : The feathers gonna fly