Wait for me!

Who:Joe Craggins
Where:running through the compound
When:after previous post
Joe turned a corner and saw everyone teleport away. "Oh great! Im
left behind again!" He heard a squark and turned to see thousands of
chickens running at him "OH smeg!!!!!!!!!!" and he began running as
fast as he could, back out the hole in the wall. Joe ran out of the
compound into the streets of New Paris. Chickens were everywhere, in
every building, room and street. He jumped over one, blasted another
and kept running, jumping and blasting. "I need to get off this
planet!" Joe thought and pulled out the oreinteering map he had
stuffed in his pocket. He glanced at it and noticed there was an
airport only a couple of streets away. He ran onto the parking
spaces for planes and ships. There was only one, a small private
passebger ship with the french flag on its tail. It wasn't built for
space travel but it would get him to Blue Dwarf, barely. Joe climbed
into the cockpit and strapped himself in. As he was starting the
engine, the chickens that had been chasing him suddenly pured onto
the runway. Some got on the wings and began picking bits off. Joe
gunned the engine and he taxied onto the runway at high speed,
killing lots of chickens. He rose into the air and noticed two
chickens had dug their claws into the wing and were still hanging
on, pecking away. Joe climbed steeply and the engine began to
whine. "Almost there" Joe said nervously to the plane. Suddenly
parts of the wing began flying off, let loose by the chickens
pecking. Joe entered the atmosphere and the cockpit around him grew
white hot. There was a smell of fried chicken and the ship became a
fireball. The ship broke out of the atmosphere into the blackness of
space. His vison began to fade from the lack of oxygen but he
gritted his teeth and gunned the still hanging on engine for all its
worth. Suddednly the blue hull of the Dwarf loomed up in front of
him. He aimed at landing bay, the throttle shaking as the plane tore
itself to peices in space. The plane tore through the open doors of
the landing bay, crashed onto the floor, spun over and over before
setlling to a stop, flames covering the entire ship. Overhead, a
sprinkler system came on, spraying the ship with a fire retardent
foam, smothering it. Joe kicked out the now broken cockpit glass and
emerged, coughing covered in ash. "The ship was a writeoff" was his
last thought before collapsing on the landing bay floor and waking
up some time later in the medibay with severe burns.

< Prev : Bringing up the rear Next > : Recouperation